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Posts posted by Themrperson

  1. I know this can be a bit of a touchy subject and has been dealt with before but with something I have experienced recently made me think of this. Me and my mate were talking about music and when I mentioned bass someone said that they could play it with no experience what so ever! Luckily my mate who plays guitar in our band showed his Hysteria by Muse and I think I won.

    But I believe the bass is the most under-appreciated part of the band as its most people wanna play guitar, sing and play the drums but not the bass. However we could be considered one of the most important parts of the band and its not as simple to play as it seems on face value.

    I know I my be ranting I actually don't mind being a unsung hero as I know then that is all that matters to me at the end of the day but it when people start hating on it I don't like with people saying "You play bass because you couldn't play guitar" or "Anyone can play the bass" They have no knowledge on the area so how would they know.

    So what are you thoughts on it all guys. Do you being an unsung hero? What do you think of the haters out there? Let me know.

  2. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1348084282' post='1809151']
    they say this is the best way to do it - little and often, and play it every day even if *only* for a few minutes... I find that once I start it stretches into an hour or more, but the principle's the same.

    Wish I found out about bass playing when I was going to school - but I was never the cool kid! :)

    Yup that how I like it to do it! To be fair I'm not really a cool kid and my school is rubbish when it comes to bass as they don't have a tutor for it even so I had to teach my self and at the end of the year there was only one working bass and there was another band practicing at the same time as one time we had to go with no bass at all.

  3. I play mine at least once a day when I can and when I play it can differ about how long I play for as sometimes it could be a few minutes to like an hour of playing random stuff but I like to start my day by playing a bit of bass before I go to school in the morning but its only like a minute nothing much really.

  4. Cheers mate! I think I dragged it on a bit to be honest and thanks for the advice but I'm looking on anyone to get it fixed as long as I can practice on it for the time being that all that matters until I get some thing that a lot better.

  5. I totally forgot about saying hello when I joined this forum as when I first joined I only joined to get advice on my first bass and I barely used it until a few months ago but I have had my bass for under a year now as I had a few problems with it. But anyway I am a 16 year old and I like to play most things really.

    I most style with my mate but we like to play A Day To Remember, The Blackout and Enter Shikari but we like to keep fresh so we play anything from pop-punk (e.g. Blink-182 and Greenday) to deathcore (e.g. Asking Alexandria and Bring Me The Horizon) but I personally love play stuff like Muse as its not as simple as the same thing simple thing repeated over and over again like Blink-182. I'm also in a band with my mates but we have only played together like a few times because the only place we can practice is the school but we are soon going to think about meeting at other places soon.

    My gear to pretty bad to be honest is pretty bad though I have a crappy bass guitar by a company called Marlin and I don't even know the model and I can't check as it doesn't a serial number anywhere and the only thing I found out about the company is that they are based in Cardiff and that is it but I do hope to own something a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz bass eventually. My bass amp is a 20watt stagg practice amp which is not the best but it will make do but I have a 10watt portable VOX amp which I used for practice at my mates and have a few features.

    However the reason I started to pick up the bass was because I wanted to be in a band (which I'm kinda ashamed of really as it was the right reasons) and when no one else really took it seriously I slowly began to let it sit in my room until one day I decided to pick it up because I was bored and my mum had put in a rule that only allowed my do something that is intellectual so I one day I didn't have any work so I picked it up to see what I remembered and I picked it up the next and after a few days I even decided not to play skyrim but my bass instead when I could and I have never really looked back since. Now I consider my self to be the bass player in my year (maybe the school) mainly because I'm the only person to play seriously XD As other bassists in my school actually play guitar as their first choice and there is only like 5 of them anyway. But I did know one kid who was really good at the bass but his left our school.

    So that's me and about my bass

  6. Someone else who plays bass from Rotherham is in the forum. I'm in a band too with my mates but we just started and we can only play 2 songs but hey everyone has to start out somewhere don't they. So what type of music does your band play.

  7. Hi guys and I want a cheap portable amp for when I go away and I have come across some problems when trying to find one. To me at the moment I seem to have a few solutions.

    1. Spend £50 on a VOX AC1RV
    2. Get a headphone amp and run speakers through it
    3. Buy a cheaper pocket guitar amp
    4. Try and find a Ibanez GB1A mini amp which can't seem to find any where on the internet

    So if you guys could think of any other solutions that would be really great and approve or disapprove the suggestions above would be great.



  8. I have been in a store and I like the feel of the ibanez and the affinity p body but it is only the start of it because if I buy a bass there with an amp i will get all the other things you see in packs for free. :)

  9. Well I am starting bass soon so I need to get a bass guitar. I have been looking at 3 and I don't know what to get. I have been looking at the squier affinity P body and the jazz model and also and the ibanez GSR190JE. I have choosen them 3 because they come in packages and my price range. It might help if I told you I want to play pop-punk, rock (all kinds) and metal. If you have any more ideas of what else I should buy leave any suggestions. I am also going to a few shops to see if can have a better feel as of what they sound like.

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