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Posts posted by mentalextra

  1. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1507737769' post='3387619']
    Wait to you see the Bas Vegas sign!

    IIRC there's a pretty good chinese restaurant about 15 mins walk from the train station.

    I know the 'Aroma' Chinese buffet at Festival leisure retail park isn't bad

  2. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1507717903' post='3387392']
    I live in nearby Becontree. Been here for just over a year. There is no such thing as and originals scene, either people wanting to play originals or venues wanting original bands.

    I go to the centre of London to practice instead. Luckily I work there.

    Aaah, the Disctrict Line. Brings back memories :D Have you been on there on a Saturday when West Ham are playing at home yet?

  3. [quote name='fftc' timestamp='1507575820' post='3386488']
    [url="http://www.romskatepark.co.uk/home/about/"]Legendary skatepark.[/url]

    That's about all I know.

    A few months back I was driving passed this skate board park. It is next to a learner driving centre called [i]cardrome[/i]. They were filming the Eastenders 'ambulance crash' scene there (ask your wife) :)

  4. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1507542504' post='3386103']
    I've not had the chance to play one so I am unable to respond, but the new Line 6 Guitars seem to be well received.

    I've never played one, but I understand they are a quality instrument.

    Unfortunately the headstock logo looks like the sort of own-brand that Argos would sell? :unsure:

  5. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1507491145' post='3385872']
    My daughters ThisNarrowboatAdventure youtube channel is waaaaay better than all of them. Subscribe now!


    You're lucky, my daughter is one of the 'army' of loyal [i]Alfie and Zoella[/i] fans; she won't here a bad word said about them, which is difficult obviously :rolleyes:

  6. [quote name='Davebassics' timestamp='1507320952' post='3384822']
    I've only recently started following scott, I've actually signed up to the academy when the offer came through by e-mail. My issue is i'm getting constant spam e-mails from a chap from leeds:

    "This is totally awesome"
    "We've got an amazing community"
    "Take your playing to the next level"
    "Super excited to have you join our team"

    etc, etc

    As an adopted yorkshireman, I'd prefer just a quick note once a week which reads: "ey up lad, this weeks content is reight. have a gander ...." and none of all this american styled propaganda.

    Completely satisfied with the academy so far though. I'm just going to have to set an auto junk rule on his e-mails.

    I don't have an axe to grind as far as Scott is concerned but you can see how the *youtube channel promotion machine" is influencing his output; like many other youtubers. Obviously there are huge amounts of money to be made and why shouldn't he? :)

  7. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1505038339' post='3368980']
    Definitely not in the case of some! :D I know a guy who doesn't even have a bank account!

    I may be going about it the wrong way, but my self-employment has been flexible over the years- for a long while I worked both as stage crew and a musician, with some driving thrown in too. It all went into the same total sum to be taxed.

    I don't really go for the whole 'pro' thing, as like acting, it can be such a transient thing. I love to play, and I'm just grateful that it's all I'm invoicing for [i]for the time being[/i]. I'm always prepared to start typing them out for some menial tasks again whenever the need arises!

    According to HMRC a hobby is not a hobby if you are being paid to do it. So the definition of 'pro' in this context seems to hinge around the ability to be able to earn a living from your playing solely. Rather than working as a IT consultant and pocketing a few quid at the weekends from some 'amateur' playing.

    I was reminded of a story from the great racing driver Mike Hawthorn who had an ongoing battle with HMRC over his racing winnings. He always described himself as a 'garage proprietor' (which he was) not a professional racing driver. HMRC strongly disagreed. But, it's all about the money. :D

  8. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1504919350' post='3368360']
    Our guitarist recently got laid off and is on the dole. Does that mean he's Pro now?

    It means he's now fully committed to his music career and available for any and every opportunity (apart from every other thursday at 10am) :D

  9. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1503577078' post='3359313']
    So - someone, somewhere (at the time of posting) is willing to pay at least £55 for a cardoard box with a stick poking out of it?




    I have cardboard boxes! I have sticks!

    *runs off to start business*

    Don't make too many, you have to consider 'rarity' value?

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