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Posts posted by Raggy

  1. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1414865698' post='2594170']

    Yours wasn't the one with the red baffle and coating featured recently was it?

    No, mine is straight black Dan.

  2. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1414865010' post='2594149']

    Wouldn't a second F115 make more sense, or are you planning to use F115+F215 at the same time?

    I'm still trying to talk myself out of a pair of F112s - I don't really need them as my BFM Omnis are more cab than I'm likely to ever need, and I can't really afford them. Suspect it's only a matter of time before I cave in though! :D

    It's something I thought about, but the F215 only has one mid driver and for my tone goals I feel one is all I need, they really are brutal little drivers.

  3. I'm using a Greenboy Fearless F115 built by Guy at Tricky Audio and would thoroughly recommend him as the UK builder to go to, from my experience.

    The cabs can take a lot of watts and are well engineered. I get some positive comments on the sound it produces.

    I'm actually thinking about moving on my Dubster and getting an F215 after spending time with this cab. Probably overkill due to the performance of the F115. But what the heck :)

  4. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1406795638' post='2514715']
    A printers I used to work at used to have a conversation at least twice a week with various clients; I heard a sales guy saying this many, many times.

    Him: "Eeeeerm, about this file you've sent us for your [i]*xyz*[/i] job?"
    Customer: "Yeah?"
    H: "Well it's RGB, you see, it needs to be CMYK for printing".
    C: "Oh no, I'd no idea, what can I do? I really need that job"
    H: "Well, don't worry, we can fix it for you - but it'll cost another £50-£60 to be able to do it"
    C: (now hugely relieved at this massive favour) "Oh great, no problem, thanks very much".

    He then calls us in the studio,
    "Stu, that RGB file, can you make it CMYK please"
    Me: click>click>Save (2 seconds) "Yeah, done it" [i]and that was only up until we changed plating software to one that did it automatically.[/i]

    Or you get into the scenario that ALL designers have come across of a client who supplies a file off their web-site that's all of 12kb and doesn't believe you when you say it's useless for print. "But - it's what my last designer gave me to use". The same printers as above used to lose a fortune redrawing logos that a client couldn't get a file for but didn't want to pay for having it re-created.

    Been there so many times :)

  5. I had one of the first Mesa M9's over here when they came out, and it broke, very quickly in a cloud of smoke, so did the second and then the third.

    As you can guess it really put me off them, it was a good sounding amp with plenty of features and looked great. I did hear sometime after I returned the third one that they had some sort of recall to fix a problem, sorry I cannot tell what it was as I kinda lost interest in them.

    Would I have one again if I could be confident the problem i had was fixed?…….[i]Probably[/i].

  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1402938150' post='2478105']
    When I had mine I used a Sansamp to get more eq options, and it did what I wanted. Now, using the Tech21 VT DI, and hearing the eq options that gives, well I would love to hear that through an OTB, reckon it would be a good pairing.

    Thats what I am running and it seems to work really well.

  7. Just sold my compact to Ray. We met at the usual basschat trading area - a motorway services car park somewhere in Britain.

    Ray is one of the basschat good guys. Super fast payment with great communications throughout. Can't ask for better.

    Cheers mate :)

  8. [attachment=146971:Ampeg.jpg]

    I noticed Mark at Bass Direct had one of these in and thought I would nab it.

    What a cracking little amp, with a P bass and flats it sounds proper old school.

    Surprisingly loud for 100w too. Looks good with the blue diamond tolex so I should be able to keep it in the front room ;)

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