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Posts posted by Valhalalf

  1. [quote name='razze06' timestamp='1332866305' post='1594188']
    [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/epiphone-zenith-fretless-bass/33025"]Epiphone zenith fretless seems in stock here[/url]

    I haven't phoned GAK yet but I always presume if you have to call then it's a special order jobby and there's none to order.

    I've spoken to a friend at a music shop who's gonna have a word with the epiphone rep and see what's shaking.

    I did see that one on ebay last night but initially was put off with the lack of personal description. Read the question/answer bit now where there was a bit more detail. It's in my watch list.

  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1332853341' post='1593953']
    Doesn't quite fall within the rules as it's fretted but from a purely aesthetic pov this is my fave

    It's really nice but leans a bit more towards the electric vibe than the acoustic vibe I'm after

    It also turns out the Zenith has been discontinued and I can't find a fretless version in stock anywhere

    Always the way lol

  3. I like the look of the bex, very pretty, and a bit of googling shows they did do a fretless version but it seems more likely to find rocking horse poo.

    I did look at the Alien basses but I really wanted to move away from the full body acoustic bass. I've found acoustic basses arent quite loud enough unplugged with other instruments and as we go through a PA I'd rather go for the comfort of a semi.

    Just been looking at the epiphone zenith fretless. If only it had 5 strings, I'd be getting my credit card out now.

  4. Hey guys

    I've started doing some acoustic trio sets in pubs and at weddings using my jazz bass which is fine but not in the vibe of the acoustic thing. I really want to bring something a little different to these gigs than my usual gigging bass.

    After lots of um-ing and ah-ing over whether I shoud buy another acoustic or an EUB or a Ukele I think I'm now set on getting a fretless semi acoustic bass in the Godin A5 style.

    I really like the idea of the thinner electric body for comfort but with the piezo acoustic bridge. I know there's a lot of expensive options (Godin, Renaissance, Rob Allen) but after tralling the interwebs I was hoping some people on here could point me in a different direction.

    I really liked the look of the Fender a/e pbass with it's semi body, f hole and acoustic bridge plus the option of blending in the lace sensors for a touch of electric bass. But perhaps a bit out of my price range atm and kinda hard to come by.

    Any suggestions will be most appreciated :D

  5. And if you do go with teh Line 6 get the 750 version. I had the 400HD and while it was a nice bit of kit for the money I paid it didn't quite have the umph I needed in a live setup. But then I'm not a fan of digital power amps in any setup.

  6. Hi mate

    Yep that's £200 inc 24 hour courier delivery to anywhere in the UK.

    It's got an active preamp with a Master Volume, Pickup Blend, Treble, Middle, Bass & Slap Switch that drops a load of mid out of the EQ (the bass and treble are stacked controls).



  7. Decided to go try a few basses out at GuitarGuitar in Brum yesterday.

    I tried out a Fender American Deluxe Jazz 5, a Lakland Skyline 55-01, an Overwater contemporary J 5 and a few others but nothing really grabbed me. I really wanted to have a good thump on a G&L Trib 2500 but alas they didn't have any G&L in stock.

    Then I tried a Lakland Skyline Vintage J 55-60 and oh my god! It wasn't just love at first play, it was 'I want to settle down, have kids and grow old with this thing' at first play.

    I'll admit, I've never been too keen on the look of the Lakland bridge and it initially put me off trying one. But after yesterday I've fallen in love with every inch of it, especially the really small frets and feel of the neck, it was just effortless to play and sounded wonderful.

    I'm seriously toying with selling my '91 Fender Telecaster Plus to get one, and I promised myself I would never sell that guitar.

    Love does funny things to you don't it?

    [size=4]On a side note the Lakland website specs say the 55-01 and the 55-60 have the same frets but I'm pretty sure the 55-01's were bigger on the ones I tried yesterday? Anyone [/size]else noticed a difference in size?

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