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Posts posted by dc2009

  1. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1323979793' post='1469545']
    How do you store them? Are they easily accessible? Once I made the Bassdrobe I found myself spending time on all of my basses, depending on my whim of the day. When I kept them in cases and gig bags I would usually find myself playing whatever was easiest to get at. Not any more, each is as easy to get at as the next. Now I'm seeing gaps in the collection again which ought to be filled because I'm playing them all and could fit more into roatation, I reckon :lol:

    All I needs now is monies :(

    I have a rack but store anything valuable in a case (only safe way in a student house). I just genuinely don't have the time to play any more!

  2. Yeah I appreciate it's nothing on what some other people have, I'm just so busy at the moment I barely have time to play more than once per week outside of bands practices/gigs.

    I do have the dean up for sale, my first bass a crafter cruiser copy that's not even worth selling, and a bass i used to beat up on stage that's sort of in pieces, and an acoustic guitar - but of the ones that get used, only 4, yes :)

  3. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1323773101' post='1466729']
    What you really need to do is BUY another bass, that way you'll be so pleased with your new acquisition that you'll forget all about having too many basses..

    BTW, just like Santa, there is NO SUCH THING as too many basses!!! (see how I gave that a festive slant...eh..didja??)

    Best post so far :)

    I really have too many though - I genuinely feel like my basses should be played, and some of them being neglected just doesn't feel right to me!

  4. I've had a realisation of late that my basses get played far too infrequently, and the obvious answer to this is to sell one/some of them (I don't have any more time in my day to play them more). The issue is, I can't really decide which to get rid of. My Dean is up for sale simply because it is a four and it never gets played, so that one isn't really part of the discussion.

    To help you guys help me, here's a run down:[list]
    [*]My Warwick - she's my pride and joy and not going anywhere, though I will only take her out of the home for suitably non-rowdy gigs as I refuse to take her out in anything less than a hard case
    [*]The Spear - my most recent addition and I'm really enjoying it, I take it everywhere in a gig bag (so easier than warwick in that sense) and I'm playing it at both band's practices etc. Actually wouldn't hesitate to play it at a gig though I haven't done so yet.
    [*]The two TB's:
    [*]The reverse gets played live for the one band (it suits the image - see my music video in OT here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/162212-my-bands-music-video-heavy-rocklight-metal/"]http://basschat.co.u...ocklight-metal/[/url]), and I love the look of it (will have it on a wall hanger one day), but the neck has been getting on my nerves of late as it takes a lot of adjustment when moving from one bass to another. I used to love the neck so I'm thinking it might just be a temporary thing, and don't feel like selling it on a whim.
    [*]The non-reverse only really gets played at home as it's a bit hefty but I love the sound (got nothing else with a PJ or even a P pickup). Unfortunately that does make it second fiddle to my warwick most of the time, but it does have its moments and I do enjoy it.
    I also have a fairly bad GAS list! I could quite happily substitute the Spear for a Yamaha RBX5-A2 (those new super lightweight things) or a Tanglewater Contemporary J5 (the old me would've bought them without selling the spear). I'd also love to own a Dingwall, and at some point would like an all-graphite Status. EDIT: Oh and I'd really like a sandberg too (but I've a fairly rare, specific one in mind).

    I appreciate no-one can make my mind up for me, but any advice or constructive comments are appreciated.


  5. Despite playing in metal and rock bands, I've never once been asked to play with a pick. I think this might be because I really dig in with my fingers and play with a lot of attack (for the aggressive parts obviously), perhaps go for an attack/eq pedal for the bits where the keyboardist/band thinks the bass needs a bit more attack? Or just attack the strings more yourself?

  6. Top answer from Happy Jack there. Sounds like you'd be getting a bargain if all the right boxes were ticked. I would say though that IMO some of the colours are gorgeous and some are fairly rank (and therefore undesirable and hard to sell).

  7. Tbh I think Akerfeldt's an arrogant dick, but they do usually have a very good sound, often managed by never playing too loudly.

    Grown sick of them and their arrogance, hence not bothering to see them anymore, even if I do quite like some of their music.

    That Axe fella on drums is a monster, mind!

  8. Big fan of the original Yamaha John Myung sig. Also like the Spector Rex Brown sig, though my favourite I've actually enjoyed playing for hours would be the Marcus Miller, hands down, I'd love to try a 5er version of it.

  9. You have four basses up for sale, all of which sound tempting to me!

    I think people will be a lot more interested if you sign up for flickr/photobucket (can be done in under 2 minutes) and post the links on here. The photo uploader on this is pretty much similar to emails too so I'm not sure why it isn't working for you.

    Without wanting to be harsh, for sale posts with minimal information about a bass (its woods selection, age, damage, neck profile etc), as well as no pictures in the public domain (that bit is important) often spell either a lazy seller, which tends to mean hassle for the buyer, or worse still, a fraudster. Enough people have been stung via websites before, so if you'd put up some photos and a bit more info, I think everyone would appreciate it.

  10. I've only ever played one in the shop, but I found it so natural to play it was unreal. No time to adapt, i just picked it up and could play it as well as any of my other basses. I'm used to some longer scales so didn't bother me. I don't feel like the extra stretching was a problem though?

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