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Posts posted by grandad

  1. Amongst my modest collection of 7 basses there are MIJ, MIK, MIRC, Indonesia & unknown. Previously I've had MIA & MIM. The price or origin does not influence my decision to keep or move on, only the feel & voice of the instrument after a setup and a few weeks of playing it.

    I have noticed over the last several years though how the cheaper models have improved in quality. This must be down to improved QC and with CNC machining the accuracy & consistency of manufacturing.

    Sure, "you get what you pay for" is still true to a certain extent but not a hard & fast rule. It's good that a decent instrument can be had from the word go for a modest outlay.

    In the 60's when guitars first became popular there was a rush by manufactures to meet demand and quality was variable to say the least. But we didn't know any better. We didn't know about setups & intonation. String type & gauge were limited too.

    I would say we're spoiled for choice now whatever your budget. And with easier access to information we are better informed before we buy, thanks to places like BC.

    • Like 3
  2. 20 minutes ago, 4000 said:

    Tbh, I’ve found music I like in every era, including today, even though the bulk of my favourite music is from the ‘70s. I’m very, very wary of the whole “it was better in my day” mentality. At that point you’ve become your parents. 😉

    They don't make em like to used to:


  3. On 19/02/2021 at 01:05, machinehead said:

    If the sale falls through, I'll have it please.

    I gave my Fender MIJ 51 Precision to my son in New Zealand as a birthday present a few years back.  Not because I didn't like it, but because he'd always admired it.  This would make a beautiful replacement at about the same cost as the original Fender back in the day. :)


    Sorry, now sold. Thank you for the interest though.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I sold most of my rack-mount gear a short time ago. It was OK when I could heave it about, but not now.

    My only racked gear is in my music room and that doesn't move.

    A TC BH250 weighs 4 lbs and includes a tuner & compression. BF One10 weighs 16 lbs. Total 20 lbs.

    Setup means plugging the amp in the mains, the amp to the cab and the guitar into the amp and then sitting down to play.

    So enjoy whatever you fancy whilst you can.


    • Like 2
  5. Except for 1 or 2 I'm not familiar with most tunes listed so far.

    I would start my set for my imaginary country/folk/jazz/rock band with:

    1. ON THE ROAD AGAIN - Willie Nelson


    3. CUT ACROSS SHORTY - Eddie Cochran

    Next would be a ballad because the audience are a bit over-excited by now and need to calm down so maybe BLUE SKIES.

    I won't complete the list because folk will be copying.

    In the real world my quartet always starts with BLUE MONK, (an easy opening number to get into the swing of things).

  6. "If you could choose only 1 bass guitar ..."

    This is a hard question to answer. Quite apart from the enjoyment of the feel and tone of each is the delight to the eye of these beautiful objects. I have just 7 at the moment and there are 1 or 2 that I regret moving on.

    If it comes down to a choice of 1 it would probably be my Hofner HCT violin. My Squier Mustang comes a close 2nd. Both are sunburst.

    Why the Hofner? I think, apart from the joy of holding a beautifully made instrument, is the lovely tone, clear and wide, even with the quirky controls.

    OK, you've guessed it, I just like violin basses.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    What is tricky with compression is that when you sit down gently practising it has a completely different effect from when you start to dig in at rehearsal/gig volumes.


    "A completely different effect". What does it do?

  8. I have the Beatbuddy and the Beatbuddy mini. Both are great machines. I tend to use the mini and find a beat that fits. I don't think I can be bothered to use the full potential of the big brother. Maybe it's mental laziness or just old age laziness. Layered menus are something I tend to get lost in, (ah-ha, dementia I hear you all wondering).

    One knob effects, if they are good, are great. I use the TC Spectracomp just a tab and appreciate it does a great job without me having to set all the parameters myself.

    To those who like to dive in and enjoy the expertise - well done.

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