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Posts posted by Bilbo

  1. I also had a massive love for


    Jack Bruce, Chris Squire, Martin Brierley, John Giblin, Richard Nolan and about a million other people people. 


    And don't forget the double bass players. Holland, Marc Johnson, Ron Carter, Paul Chambers, Reginald Veal, Christian McBride.. 

  2. On 12/04/2020 at 21:09, PatrickJ said:

    Flea's tone on the BSSM album was incredible! i believe he was using his Wal bass and his GK Amps at the time - this album was the reason my first proper bass rig was a GK head & cab.

    Marcus Miller's slap tone on Renaissance is what I'm striving to get close to.   I've spent quite a lot of time with my Helix trying to get the right levels of compression and EQ to get near it.

    And finally the drummer I play with loves some prog metal, in fact we are due to go see Steven Wilson in September but who knows if that will happen given the current situation, but Nick Beggs kind of nails that genre's bass tone for me.  Again I've been working with the Helix to get close..


    Luminol bass transcription. 



    • Thanks 1
  3. A partial Jeff Berlin transcription this time. This is the first half of the tune 'Constant Comment' from the 2005 album, 'Boston T Party' featuring Dennis Chambers, JB, David Fuiczynski and T. Lavitz. The reason the chart of partial is because I got bored and the notes were not very easy to find in the mix. The bit I have not transcribed is essentially a continuation of the bit that I have just with different fills. 



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