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Posts posted by nige1968

  1. I got one of these. It looks and sounds lovely, is nicely built, only downside for me is the neck is a bit thicker than I'd expected -- not p-bass fat or Warwick thick, just a little thicker than the J-bass norm. Good old internet shopping. Assume that's some kind of period detail, and it seems to add a bit of extra woody thunk, it's even still a fast neck somehow, but I like 'em shallow so I'm probably going to sell it.

    As others have noted, it's not a let's-pretend period re-creation, but it is a really nice combination of good-lookingnesses. Bit annoying that they painted the 'period' varnish over the binding and fitted a cheap scratchplate. Neither of these things has affected my enjoyment of the instrument.

  2. Sorry, I've spent so long trying to get an answer to this off the internet that I might as well have taken the bass apart and measured it but ...

    Does anyone happen to know for sure whether the current American Standard Jazz Bass with the lightweight tuners (XPS-1C?) has the usual 11/16 (17.4mm) holes, or the smaller 14mm ones?

    A million zillion thankyous in anticipation :)

  3. Old old thread, but if folks are still interested I bought a set of JVXs off Moonbass to put in a Mexi-jazz, and was able to A-B test them with JVs in an American Standard Jazz.

    Personally I found the JVs had more character and complexity while the JVXs cut through the live mix better. YMMV.

    Haven't tried the J set so can't offer any opinions, sorry.

    Now, who knows what Jazz Bass pickups I need to sound like Brian Ritchie[s] tuning up[/s]? :)

  4. Happy to to give Lou a gold star. He couldn't have been more helpful -- easy transaction, fast postage, kept me informed throughout, and the Jazz Bass is very nice too.


  5. Portable? Hmm.

    I've been using one of these (BX1200) for pub gigs for years now. Bought it because at the time, it was the best combination of small and loud I could find on my budget.

    Sound, as others have noted, is OK. Nothing to write home about, but usable. Reasonably loud for what it is.

    At 22kg it should be reasonably portable, but actually the kickback shape makes it the single most unpopular bit of kit in our band.

    It's just really awkward and uncomfortable to carry, and we've had more than a few barked shins and twisted shoulders between us. It's too small for two to carry, and for one person there's really no health-and-safety-approved lugging method.

    I've no experience of the little lightweight Gallien Kruegers, but mightn't the MB115 be worth a look?

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