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Posts posted by JayPH

  1. Guys. I can't believe I did this. Banged on the corner of a desk:


    How would you go about damage limitation? i don't want any more paint to chip off. It doesn't add character it displays the fact that I am a f***ing idiot who has not been able to look after this beautiful instrument properly.

    A friend was telling me to colour it in with a brown felt tip pen on the wood that's showing and then apply laquer to it? I also read you could use clear naiul varnish. I don't want to make it worse.

    f*** :)

  2. Well mate I had a quick listen to be friendly an all that and I'm still listening :) Very nice mate.

    My favs so far are Electric Fence and Hearts Home. Are you selling this album on Itunes and Amazon?

    Do you play live gigs? I might just venture to rainy Manchester to see yous.

  3. [quote name='tauzero' post='1238911' date='May 21 2011, 01:59 AM']If I got one now, I would be dreadfully disappointed.[/quote]
    How so?

    [quote name='Hodgefunk' post='1239219' date='May 21 2011, 12:13 PM']Those Squier CV P basses are great for the money! Cheap and tasty :)[/quote]

    Before I got the Fender I borrowed my mates Squier Jazz Bass and it played really nice. He had it set up just right for my playing style and it cost a mere £180.

    If you need a bass right now, you could do worse than getting a Squier IMO as a stop gap until you have the funds to upgrade to a Fender.

  4. I have never heard of John Paul Jones (I like it under my rock, leave me be) and watched Jools just to see him. Was very disapoint because I couldn't hear him. Was thinking WTF is all the fuss about. Didn't realise it was a sound problem. Anyway don't set the pit bulls on to me I'll Google hi, and get up to speed. :)

    I also like Sea Sick Steve and Animal on the drums. Good luck to them.

    PS. Those guys who were suffereing from Polio were great too. Maybe they were playing the disability card a bit but they're playing the hand they've been dealt well. What did y'all think of them?

  5. [quote name='risingson' post='1236058' date='May 18 2011, 06:01 PM']I wouldn't pay a single bit of attention to the guys in Liverpool Dawsons, they don't know what they're talking about! I popped in a few days back and tried a number of Fenders they had in. Played a Marcus Miller Jazz in there, the intonation was so bad by the time you got to the 12th fret of the bass it was almost a whole semitone sharp, and the Jaco Squier in there had a neck bow so bad it was very difficult to play. When I pointed this out by demonstrating this to him, the assistant told me that 'you have to put a bit of work in yourself to get the bass you buy set up properly'. He also went on to explain that there was 'no way of swapping out the preamp in the Marcus Miller', and when I pointed out that there were indeed companies like J-Retro that sold the MM plate mounted preamps that you can just drop in as replacements, he seemed totally baffled by it.

    I don't expect the setups on basses in stores like that to be perfect, but I would at least expect a store assistant to be aware that if you're going to be paying upwards of £900-1000 on an instrument then it should be in their interest to pay a bit more attention to how that bass guitar plays. Instead he tried to fob me off with a barrage of misinformation. Not good at all.[/quote]
    I won't argue with you mate because I am definitely not qualified to. I've been out of the game too long. I do remember having a Copy strat guitar years ago though. it was a Hondo, yeah that household name :)

    Anyway, this thing was the dogs bollocks. I knew some very acomplished guitarists back in the day and they all reckoned it was a beauty. I think this might also be true if you get a decent MIM or MIJ bass that has been setup properly.

    As a footnote my USA Fender Jazz Bass wasn't set up very well and I took it to Frets in Liverpool. I used to go there when I was younger and he knows his onions. He told me it was too early to set the bass up properly because it would likely change and that once it had settled after a month or 2 to take it back and he'd set it up nice and let me know if it's as it should be.

    Might it be the case that the basses were set up to begin with but have altered over time with temp changes and such? Maybe they should be checked out every month or so?

  6. When i was looking at Fender Basses in Dawsons recently I asked one of the lads what was the difference between the MIM and MIA basses and he said "A few Miles". He said that the American ones tended to be setup better from the start but you can setup a MIM to play just as well.

  7. I had an Inanez SR 500 recently and it was the dogs cahonas. Active pickups really nice tone.

    The finish was awful though and if I'd have kept it I would have been sitting in a pile of sawdust.

    So, I got a USA Fender Jazz Bass and at first I though the Ibanez was better. The Ibanez was around £300 cheaper too.

    But.... The Fender can pretty much produce any sound you want and it is solid. If I treat it right it will last forever.

    I think a lot of people get them because they know they are solid and reliable. And there is a touch of USA Fender snobery in the mix too :) Even my dad has heard of them.

    Saying all that I will definitely be getting an Ibanez bass with a better finish if I get a 5 string. And a P bass, and that'll do me :)

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