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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. My brother used to work for an awareness charity thing, and it wasn't before he mentioned it that I had even considered how difficult just getting around London is. I haven't been back in London for a couple of years, but I don't recall seeing any lifts in tube stations at all.

    More on topic, I can't think of a single instrument shop in centralish London that doesn't have a narrow doorway and/or stairs and/or 90 degree turn. As said before, good luck and congratulations on three years.

  2. [quote name='DJR' post='306250' date='Oct 14 2008, 03:16 PM']Ibanez SR1500 '93 custom Maple body, wenge/bubinga neck
    Ibanez Roadbass '89 (pointy and metallic pink, woot!)
    Ibanez Roadbass-808 '87
    Ibanez SR05 '88 5-string Black
    Mesa/Boogie 2x15 road ready
    Trace Elliot early generation 4x10
    Trace Elliott GP12
    Ampeg SVT[/quote]


    Welcome to the forum!

  3. [quote name='neepheid' post='305099' date='Oct 12 2008, 11:43 PM'][...]

    Stop gap buying is false economy though - maybe best to save for a while and get something good. [...][/quote]

    Correct. Depends on how long the while is, though!

    Welcome to the forum!

  4. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='304817' date='Oct 12 2008, 02:39 PM']Yeah I’ve heard a lot of people rave about the Geddy Lee neck. Do you know if you can buy one (or a replica) from somewhere like AllParts?[/quote]

    I've heard (ie read) a lot of people rave about it too - but not in a good way. Too thin, prone to banana impressions etc.

    I read all of this on the interweb so it must be true, but smoke & fire relationship etc.

  5. I too started on guitar. Slash had opened my eyes to rock music in 1988 and Metallica had set me on a course to play guitar, which I duly started in 1990. But the more I listened to music, the more I began to appreciate the bass. I started playing the bass in 92 or thereabouts and have played both.

    Recently, I had a revelation/epiphany about bass, and now I [b][i]am [/i][/b]a bassist rather than simply being a guy who plays bass, if you know what I mean. I wrote a babbling thread about it. You can dig it out if you want.

  6. I'd like to play too.

    Here are my very heavy Trace cabs. They really are very, very heavy and, because of this, it is likely that their days are numbered. This saddens me a little, as, with the exception of two times (both within the last month), I've never played through anything other than Trace cabs. We'll see. If my band starts gigging a lot and these need to be moved around a lot, some downsizing will have to happen! I can't even lift these by myself, let alone carry them.

    They do sound wonderful, though!

  7. If you swap the live and the earth wire on one of them, the sound might beef up when you have both on. Just open up the controls, choose one pickup, de-solder it from the pot and put each wire where the other one was. Easy peasy Japanesy.

  8. All my basses were acquired on the cheap. But I would, one day, like to have one custom made for me. So, "too much" would be more than a fairly simple custom bass would set me back. I think £1500 would cover it, but £1500 right now is [i]way more [/i]than I can afford, and thus is currently too much!

  9. I have an active P/P config on a Mockingbird. It is currently set up with a 3-way switch and Vol / Vol, so I can blend in some bridge with the standard P pickup. I find that the normal P by itself is nowhere near as nice as with a bit of the bridge P in. In fact, instead of P with a bit of bridge blended in, I have found I prefer full bridge with a half volume P.

    For the record, the pickups are both EMGs, going through an EMG BTC (active bass & tone control) and powered with 18v. It's quite a monster bass but I'm not sure that I like it enough.

  10. [quote name='budget bassist' post='300062' date='Oct 5 2008, 08:22 PM']yeah i saw that one.... ibanez SR900s seem to be going cheap at the moment, i'd love to get me a nice SR905[/quote]

    Are they the neck-throughs where the back of the body is curved? I fiddled with one in the shop, but couldn't get along with the curved back. I tried the 700, though, and that was about as sweet as they come. That's pretty much why I was so miffed this one got away for a £112!!!

  11. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='299691' date='Oct 5 2008, 01:39 AM'][...]Is she a bean flicker now?[/quote]

    Hmmm. I did see a pic of her with short hair.

    Anyway, thanks for the clips, 3V17C. I haven't heard much of Ms Vega's music in the last ten years or so, and this was a welcomed reminder of how good she is. And those dimples in her cheeks make her look adorable!

  12. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how little Ibanezes are going for these days?

    An SRX700 just went on Ebay for £112. I was watching it but forgot about it (damn it damn it damn it)...credit crunch and all that, but £112? That's crazy! I got my SRX500 for a bit over £100 and I thought I got a fantastic deal on it. I clearly did, but it is also clear that there are more great deals to be found out there.

    Here's the SRX700, just in case you don't believe me: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300262914852&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=020"]link[/url]

  13. I have just finished returning a Burny Mockingbird copy to playability. Mockingbirds are tremendously neck-heavy. I am going to move the neck strap button towards the neck itself, making it lower. Repositioning the neck strap button there is a common fix for SGs. The other thing is to get a strap with a good grip on it, and let that do the work for you. It is not ideal, though.

    Other than that, you could add some weight to the body, by using a wireless system (the body pack often helps) or simply putting weights in the empty spaces in the body cavity, or hanging weights on the strap there. As these things add weight rather than reposition it, I'd go with moving the neck strap button if I were you.

    Good luck!

  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='299272' date='Oct 4 2008, 01:07 PM']If I had the money I would buy it and use till you had the cash but alas I'm skint and have a missus :S[/quote]

    This is pretty much what I am suggesting, especially as this is the exact bass. If you really want it that much, can't you arrange something?

    I'd love to help, and I will if nobody else offers, but I'm not based in the UK and am seldom there.

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