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Posts posted by SlackAlice

  1. [quote name='rOB' post='1286050' date='Jun 29 2011, 08:38 AM']Haven't ever tried.

    I'd love to give it a go though.[/quote]

    +1....I plan to buy an 'entry-level' second hand fretless in the coming months to give it a go & see how I get on.


  2. Not me I'm afraid....I'm very envious of those who can. I think I have an ok backing voice but have tried many times over the years to sing & play.....just can't do it. I think it's because I concentrate so much (too much?) on the bassline & drums.....I can't do two things at once! :)


  3. Westone Thunder 1 in light oak.

    Lovely to play although the PUPs weren't great. Brought it in '92 for £50 from a guy in a Country & Western band.....fair amount of buckle rash! Wished I had kept it.........


  4. Well after saying that I'd like to give it a whirl I've done a bit of investigating at my local church, Holy Trinity in Sunningdale. They have a few groups as far as I can tell & I've been invited along to a rehearsal tomorrow evening :) I'm nervous now..... :)


  5. [quote name='megallica' post='1235779' date='May 18 2011, 02:49 PM']Found this, I don't know the Meddle album to know if this is accurate or not.


    Sorry Megallica, you beat me to it! :)


  6. Found this on Ultimate Guitar:


    It's for guitar but it gives you the chords.......can't seem to find a bass tab.......


  7. I participated in a BOTB back in '95.....we got to the final & came second. Do I think it was because the winning band had more family & friends there? Oh yes! Our prize for being second was to record a 4 track demo (still have the cassette somewhere) which although sounded awful IMHO was a great learning curve as at that point I'd never been in a studio before.....

    Yes it's good business for the promoter, but I personally wouldn't do it again. A 'local band' evening yes but a 'battle' of bands no - I'd find it demoralising, but that's just my view. :)


  8. [quote name='markstuk' post='1235177' date='May 18 2011, 07:50 AM']Welcome on board.. Never enough female bass players.....[/quote]

    Indeed..... :)

    Hi there & welcome. :) It's a great forum!


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