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Posts posted by Looper

  1. Tried a visegrip yesterday, couldn't find a dead spot anywhere on the neck but then a visegrip is 20 oz! Borrowed a small G-clamp (8oz) and tried that and the dead spot moved a tone down. Seems that the thing to do is add just the right weight to get the dead spot where you don't mind it. Maybe even the smallest change of mass, cutting the strings longer or shorter might be enough to make it more or less noticeable? Looks like an evening with bluetack and bits of metal for me!

  2. Can only speak from my very limited experience, but play as many as you can and buy the one that speaks to you. I was in a shop recently, tried all their fenders and the one I fell in love with (but couldn't buy) was a secondhand highway one jazz. Tried MIA's at twice the price through the same set-up that sounded weak by comparison, and felt lifeless. If you can go and play enough basses one will out-shine the others even if it ends up being a cheaper model.

  3. I'm not sure that I quite GET jazzes yet. Got a jazz recently as an up-grade from my p-copy and I'm still spending a lot of time fiddling with the pots each time I pick it up. I miss the simplicity of the P, but like the narrower neck. Amazed fender doesn't do hybrids as standard, plenty of people must want a jazz neck and p-body, or p-neck and jazz body.

  4. Thanks andyjingram. Was looking at Ernie Ball flats and it says "Flat chrome plated steel wire wrapped around a hex shaped tin plated steel wire. Provides a smooth feel and mellow sound." My other choice from the place I'd normally get strings is the DR Fl-45 flats which are stainless.
    Might look elsewhere if need be, can't say I know anything about flats so if anyone has a recommendation....

  5. At the risk of great mockery I'm going to ask anyway! I have a Marshall MB30 and an old Carlsbro Bassline 300. What I'm wondering is can I use them together to get the pre-amp stage from the Marshall and the power-amp and speaker from the Carlsbro? The Marshall has a "line out" socket, (the manual suggests this for plugging into a multi-track recording machine). If I take a lead from there and plug it into the input on the carlsbro will it just blow up? Not rushing to try it but I am curious and do tend to try things if I'm not told not to! Thanks.

  6. Can't pretend to be qualified enough to say who I think was better. I'm a big fan of JPJ but would always have huge respect for those who have gone before. On the Dusty Springfield topic though the bassline in "Son of a Preacher man" is mighty, well worth a listen. Someone mentioned Noel Reading earlier, I'd just have to say that I think Billy Cox was the only bassist who did Hendrix justice (apart from himself of course). Billy Cox wasn't too fancy but any Hendrix tune with him behind it has the funk it needs.

  7. Thanks zero9.
    I was hoping to use a set that came off my electric which are 45-105 roto's.
    Is there a danger that with more tension it might pull the bridge off?
    It's a cheap bass so don't know if it's all that well made!
    Thanks again.

  8. Quick simple question;
    Is it ok to put steel strings on an acoustic bass guitar?
    Need to replace the bronze strings that are on it but wasn't really gone on the sound of them, so can I use
    regular strings or will it cause issues.
    Thanks all.

  9. Thanks Chrismuzz,
    Have tried all sorts of combinations with the volume (and tone).
    There just isn't the same output from it.
    With the same amp I'd have to use an extra 25% volume to get the same level.
    Is it maybe just weak pickups?

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