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Posts posted by kingbee

  1. [quote name='PVTele' post='1076838' date='Jan 3 2011, 09:52 PM']Trouble with these Barefaced cabs is you can't go and try them out with different amps.[/quote]

    How do you mean, Mike? Is it simply that by buying from Barefaced direct (only way) you don't have the 'luxury' of trying out different rigs in a normal shop / studio environment? Just want to be clear that's the only reason.

    Cheers. Bob

  2. Solely because I'm getting too old to lift the damned thing (see my "Amps / Cabs" post under "New gear for old geezers") I have decided, very reluctantly, to sell my Ampeg SVT-115E Classic bass cabinet. It hasn't been gigged much (mainly 'cos I've been using another cab which someone else would bring to gigs on my behalf) and therefore is in absolutely pristine - and I do mean, PRISTINE - condition, as the attached images show (excuse the 'Photoshopped' background - I want to sell the cab, not the sofa behind it). It comes with a custom-made cover which cost £50, also mint. Details are:

    Voice coil 2.5"
    Frequency response (-3dB): 50 Hz-3kHz
    Maximum SPL: 123dB
    Nominal impedance: 8 Ohms
    Programme handling: 400 watts
    RMS handling: 200 watts
    Sensitivity: 98 dB
    Usable low frequency: (-10dB): 33Hz
    24 x 22 x 16 inches
    Weight 72lb
    Removable castors
    Sprung lift-and-return grab handles on the sides

    I'm going for a Barefaced Compact which, as the cognoscenti will be aware, retails at £450 - hence, I need all the loot I can get. But I'll settle for [b]£250 ono[/b].

    As I live in East Lothian, Scotland, I'm assuming that my potential market will be from South of Scotland / NE England or therabouts. Would be prepared to deliver / meet half-way within 50 miles radius.

    Send me a PM or email me on [email protected] or phone / text me on 07804 251202.

    Regards. Bob

  3. [quote name='PVTele' post='1076710' date='Jan 3 2011, 08:02 PM']I'll wait with bated breath, kingbee, to hear the results of your quest! I'm the same age as you, and with a left arm damaged in an accident a few years ago, I have to be very careful what / how I lift. I'd already been considering a Barefaced Compact, and wondering what I should drive it with. I want a pretty old-school sound, so I'd considered either an Ashdown MAG600H or an Orange Terror Bass. We'll have to see. I don't want to end up having to sell stuff I'm fond of to finance this if I can avoid it![/quote]

    Hi PVTele, nice to have the empathy! Jeez, it's true what they say: old bass players never die - they just keep on getting on everybody else's tits. And they don't come much older skool than me.

    OK, I'm pretty close to going for the Barefaced Compact, just need to sell my Ampeg first (going in the "For Sale" forum any minute now). Alex Claber (Barefaced) seems a really decent, up-front kind of guy and if he says (based on what I have told him) that the Compact will do me, then (subject to a live trial, which he offers for 1 month) I believe him. As for driving it, I've only begun to realise how under-powered my Hartke 200w amp is, but Alex says it'll be fine for the Compact. I have asked him, however, to advise me on the most compatible amp for the Compact in case I want to change my Hartke at a later date, and I'm awaiting his reply. Will let you know. Feel free to PM me if you have ano other questions.

    Cheers. Bob

  4. Thanks guys - plenty of food for thought. Delberthot, have looked at your review and this sounds interesting. Currently waiting for Alexclaber (Barefaced) to come back me with his thoughts before I take things further.

    Have a great 2011, everyone. :)

  5. Thanks to all who've responded so far - and so quickly! (always a good sign of a good forum, in my book - I've often posted messages on other (non-related) fora and waited in vain for someone to get back to me, by which time I've lost interest or found the answer elsewhere ....)

    Anyway, sounds like there will be a perfect solution, more than enough for me to research. Many thanks again.

    BTW, anyone interested in buying a Hartke Model 2000 Transient Attack 200w head with an Ampeg SVT-115E Classic cab? Both mint!


  6. Hello everyone, just joined this forum - which looks excellent - and will cut to the chase. Sincere apologies if this topic has ben covered elsewhere - happy to be referred to other threads.

    For some years now I've been using a Hartke Model 2000 Transient Attack 200w head with an Ampeg SVT-115E Classic cab, and have always been delighted with the sound. However, I ain't getting any younger (62 in March) and recently tore a shoulder muscle which makes lugging the Ampeg (72lbs weight) more and more difficult, especially when lifting into the boot of the car.

    Ergo, I'm looking for something lightweight. I've never liked combos. I don't do much by way of keeping up to date with developments in bass amplification technology, but I wonder if the new Neodynium speakers might do the trick? Ideally, depending on weight, I'd want a single 15 but am open to suggestions from those who think 12s or 10s could be the way to go. I've been looking at Ashdown cabs, for example, the ABM 115 which, at some 47lbs, could be the answer - any good?

    As for my current head, it's still perfectly serviceable but it's now - dare I say it - getting on for 15 years of age. A great recommendation for Hartke, but heads don't go on for ever so might look to change this also. Incidentally, now need something with a Line Out which, bizarrely, is not available on the Hartke.

    Whatever package I get, it has to be able to deliver in a wide range of venues (as my present package has easily done), from small venues to hotel ballrooms. My bass playing style is 'standard' (eg, no fancy slaps) and I don't need loads of brightness, more interested in a controlled bottom end.

    Within reason, prepared to spend on quality kit, with absolute reliability being the main criterion.

    All suggestions and advice gratefully recieved.

    Many thanks.

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