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Posts posted by kingbee

  1. [quote name='elephantstone' post='1093741' date='Jan 18 2011, 12:55 PM']if this is still here next month i'd defo be interested, just raising the cash for a new one.[/quote]
    You are on, my son - and Central Scotland, too, for the delivery area! There is a God. Keep in touch. And, if anyone else expresses interest, I'll give you first refusal, seeing as how you're the first to let me know you could be.

  2. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1093721' date='Jan 18 2011, 12:35 PM']Hmm, thats a difficult one.

    I`m a "many speakers" kindof guy - I was worried that I wouldn`t have enough presence with only the Ampeg 410, hence getting the 210 as well, so for me I wouldn`t ever play through one 210 cab. That said tho, there are many that do.

    I did read some good articles on these over on Talkbass, there`s a guy on there, JimmyM who really seems to rate them, and his threads give good info about them.[/quote]
    Read the JimmyM stuff only this morning, funnily enough - he does rate them, in a very honest and positive way (as do you), which - as somebody mentioned earlier in that particular Talkbass thread - makes a nice change from people slagging off equipment they've never tried (seems to happen more on Talkbass than Basschat, I hasten to add! :) ), just because it doesn't look right. The Ampeg SVT Micro rig looks like a right Ken & Barbie affair, but like most things in life, you can't knock it if you ain't tried it. I have read concerns about build quality, though, which would be a bigger issue, in my view.

    Thanks for your very helpful input.

  3. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1093482' date='Jan 18 2011, 09:10 AM']I`ve got the Ampeg SVT210AV cab, and it is a great little cab. I use it with my TC Electronics Classic 450 & Ampeg SVT 410HE cab to add a bit more presence. It handles the power nicely, no farting out, and the lows are nice for a cab so small.

    I`ve no experience with the matching Ampeg head, but think two of these little cabs with a decent amp would be a very good portable rig.[/quote]
    Aye, but could you use the cab on its own, regardless of head make, and do a decent-sized venue - say, like a hotel ballroom (rather than a noisy club)? If you expect to be playing through the PA most of the time, it probably isn't an issue but if - like me - you play with more than one band and sometimes need an 'independent' sound source, will this fit the bill?

  4. I’m in much the same boat as you – looking to downsize, but for different reasons. I must confess, given the typical gigging bassist’s traditional disdain for combos, I’d never thought about going down the combo route; but your post has given me much food for thought and some of the responses you’ve received have been illuminating.

    FWIW, I’ve been having a casual look at Ampeg’s BA300-115 & 210 combos – they’re kicking in at around £550-600 or even higher, depending on where you look. The Markbass combo mentioned is a corker, there seems to be no doubt about that, but cost new is prohibitive. I’ve also looked at the Orange set-up referred to and that looks good too.

    No wish to hi-jack your thread, but in the past I’ve been playing my Hartke 200w head through an Ampeg SVT-115E, and while this has only delivered a mere 120w (you only get the 200 with 4 Ohms) I have always found it plenty loud enough for me (I do much the same kind of stuff you’re doing now). I’m getting rid of the Ampeg only because it’s just too freakin’ heavy. However, this has made me wonder about the Ampeg SVT Micro stack – this also delivers 200w into 4 Ohms, but 150 into 8. That said, the speakers are 2x10, so I don’t know how these would compare with my SVT-115E.

    I’ve never seen anyone discussing this rig on this site: so, is it any good? I don’t know. Maybe some of the wiser contributors could comment?

  5. For a variety of reasons have decided it's time to go with a clean sheet, so have put up the Hartke for sale along with the Ampeg cab. There's an LH500 up for sale at the moment but the seller isn't replying to my PMs. I'd happily put that with Alex's Barefaced Compact but, of course, need to shift my own rig before I can buy other stuff - not down to money so much as sheer lack of space! Missus'll have a hairy fit if I bring anything else through the door without jettisoning something else .....

  6. For a variety of reasons I’m now selling my Ampeg SVT-115E Classic bass cabinet (earlier ad withdrawn) and my Hartke model 2000 Transient Attack 200w bass amp, both of which are in absolutely pristine condition, as a package. Cab details are:

    Voice coil 2.5"
    Frequency response (-3dB): 50 Hz-3kHz
    Maximum SPL: 123dB
    Nominal impedance: 8 Ohms
    Programme handling: 400 watts
    RMS handling: 200 watts
    Sensitivity: 98 dB
    Usable low frequency: (-10dB): 33Hz
    24 x 22 x 16 inches
    Weight 72lb
    Removable castors
    Sprung lift-and-return grab handles on the sides.

    Comes with custom-made vinyl cover, also mint.

    The Hartke has both tube and solid state settings, a compressor, graphic equalizer, active and passive inputs and 200 watts of power into 4 ohms (120 into 8), and lives in a custom SKB hardshell case. Here’s a link to the user’s manual for ease of reference:

    Looking for [b]£325 [/b]ovno for the pair.

    Might be prepared to deliver / meet half-way within 50 miles radius of Edinburgh.

  7. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1080550' date='Jan 6 2011, 10:51 PM']Yep, I`ve got the 410 that matches this cab, and at 45, with a bad back, I can manage it on my own (though do prefer a helping hand).

    Seriously, to any buyers, these cabs aren`t that bad to get about (and sound great as well).[/quote]
    Thanks Lozz and BurritoBass, for the moral support! The longer this goes on, the less keen I am to part with the thing - and it's true, the SVT-115E is not a seriously heavy cab. When I was 45 I could manage combos and cabs like this nae bother, but pushing 62 now and my ageing body's waving the white flag, so commonsense has to prevail. One way or another, it's gotta go.

  8. [quote name='Conan' post='1079907' date='Jan 6 2011, 02:40 PM']These are great cabs - very rich and full sounding, and not at all "slow and thumpy" as some might describe a can loaded with a fifteen!

    If anyone in the North east of England is interested in this and lacks transport, I will be passing through Haddington next weekend and could pick up and drop off for a small petrol consideration...[/quote]
    Thanks Conan, that's very helpful. Bob

  9. Cheers for all that - love some of the posted images! Just goes to show that bassists really DO have a sense of humour. Unlike guitarists. :)

    However, we do have a reputation for being thick, as I'm about to demonstrate. How does one actually 'bump' a thread back to the top? For example, I'm trying - and so far failing (76 lookers but no takers) - to sell my Ampeg cab, and my original posting just keeps slipping further and further down the list. I want to get the post noticed again - help?

    While on the subject, could someone please have a look at my post ("Ampeg SVT-115E cab for sale" - I'd stick in a link to it, but don't know how to do that either!) on 3 January and tell me where I'm maybe going wrong? I really don't have a clue what the cab is worth, but based on the price new (£470 at Thomann) plus the cover I wouldn't have thought I was asking too much for it. Am I just being too impatient? Any thoughts - anyone?

    Thanks again.

  10. Pardon my ignorance, but as a total Basschat newbie there are certain 'terms' I have still to understand. Like, 'bump', eg in relation to items for sale, What the feck does 'bump' mean? :)

    Thank you.

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