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Everything posted by Something

  1. What about a trade with my Lakland 55-02 ? It's like new, neither dings nor scratches... Bought new in august 2006. It's a deluxe with a beautiful flame mapple tom in 3 tone sunburst. Fretboard is mapple neck. I'll add pics as soon as I can. Thanks.
  2. Something

    Hi there !

    Hey Nuf ! Welcome on board my friend ! I'm here since yesterday and it's a very good place to be... Hey folks, this boy is young but it's a killer with a bass in his hands. It's especially a very sweet man...
  3. [quote name='P-T-P' post='48309' date='Aug 21 2007, 12:51 PM']Be aware however, the neck profile and fingerboard radius on the DJ5 is different to the 55-02. The JO5 has a similar neck to the 5502.[/quote] Oh thank you for the advice...I didn't notice that... and thanks for answering. Other advices and answers are welcome Folks !
  4. Hi folks, So I think all is in the tittle I bought a 55-02 (my first Lakie) one year ago. It's a very good bass for sure. The best I've ever played, however i've played Stingray 5, Warwick, Fender US dlx V and many others... But I think this bass doesn't give me what I want, I mean in the sound, especially in slap...I always spend so much time to try to find the sound. Plug'n play is the way... Think it's a bit too Musicman oriented for me...But maybe I'm wrong. And I think I'm a little bit wearied by my 55-02. By the way it looks I mean... Usually I dont keep basses for long. The one I kept the most is my Fender US dlx V (Five years). I sold it cause the B string is a little floppy. And especially (and most of all) I'm a Jazz bass man. I mean even before I started to play bass, the look and design of Jazz Basses always kept my eyes. For me a good looking bass is a Jazz bass (understand Jazz bass like, not especially a Fender !). I love my 55-02 very much but I'm very GASing on a DJ5... I like the way it looks so much than my current bass (I think the look is very important. If I don't like the design of the bass I don't want to play it...) and also the way it sounds. I tried one the moment I bought my 55 and liked it but I came to buy a 55... Now I don't have the opportunity to try once again cause the only store in France who sells Lakland is now so far away from my location. Almost 400 km... So what do you think ? Is it worth ? Ok I prefer active basses and it's the kind of basses I've ever played but I think it won't be a big problem if I get the sound I like... Knowing that I play funk, soul and pop/rock style in a cover band... I'm a little bit lost...And I don't want to do something I would regret after a week... Indeed I don't have the money to buy a DJ5 in new, that's the reason why I'm looking for a trade... I thank you by advance for your answers and advices. And sorry if this kind of thread has been posted before today.
  5. Wow ! I thank you...Goes straight to my heart.
  6. Glad you liked it ! Here's another Beatles cover. Drive my car : [url="http://media.putfile.com/03-Piste-3-24-72"]http://media.putfile.com/03-Piste-3-24-72[/url] I tried to get a kind of P-sound, I added a bit of multidrive... Enjoy !
  7. Hi folks, I thought I could post some covers we made with my ex-band. The name of the band was "Taxman" (in tribute of the Beatles's song) and we made covers especially of the fab four and some standards of Stax and Motown... Here are two tunes we've recorded last years. Neither flashy playing nor slap and tap or other kind of techniques very groovy but only songs I like... From me to you : [url="http://perso.orange.fr/taxman/audio/from_me_to_you.mp3"]http://perso.orange.fr/taxman/audio/from_me_to_you.mp3[/url] Chain of fools : [url="http://perso.orange.fr/taxman/audio/chain_of_fools.mp3"]http://perso.orange.fr/taxman/audio/chain_of_fools.mp3[/url] All had been recorded with my Lakie 55-02. Settings are the same on the both tunes. Blend Pick-up at 12h Coil selector on both pick-up Bass at 2 h Mid at 10 h Treble at 3 h I hope you'll enjoy that...
  8. Thank you metaltime ! Yes it's him ! Etienne is from Cameroon more exactly... I saw him play several times and he took my breath each time ! Very impressionning bass player and a pleasure to discuss...
  9. Hello Ahpook ! I've just joined also...
  10. I had had 2 Fender JB"s V. One MIM Deluxe and one MIA Deluxe. Both were great basses, with great playablity and great feelings on the neck. I've found that the pres and B string was not very good but some great basses by the way... And one day I discovered Lakland... And with this brand I discovered playability, quality, comfort, build and especially sound ! Great sound ! I like so those basses that I'm wondering if won't sell or trade my 55-02 for a Darryl Jones 5... If you like Jazz Basses go for a Lakland !
  11. Thank you Hamster ! For the choice of my instrument I'm torturing myself cause I don't know if a trade between my 55-02 and a DJ5 would be worth... Thanks by the way... I forgotten to say that I'm very fond of Level 42. Excellent english band (my prefered one with the Beatles...Nothing to compare ! ).
  12. Hi folks, I've just discovered this forum. Seems to be a good place to be So I introduce myself. My nickname is Something and I'm 33 and I play bass since 1994. Felt in love with this beautiful instrument when I was a kid and heard "Getaway" by EWF on the radio. I said to myself that it sounded so sweet. I asked for what kind of band it was and my dad told me "Hey it's one of the greatest band of all times and the guy on the bass is Verdine White"... Sounds like a fairy tale isn't it ? Never forgotten this name and that moment...And many years after I bought my first bass (a cheap vantage precision like). Since this day I played many kind of basses (Fender Deluxe V, Tune Bass, Stingray V, Roscoe beck V, Warwick...). These days I'm currently playing a Lakland 55-02 and I guess I could say that it's the most beautiful and comfortable bass I've owned...Even if I'm looking to trade it for a DJ5... Otherwise I play bass in a cover band. we do Pop/rock covers of the Beatles, Ben Harper, Lenny Kravitz and several soul standards of Stax and Motown. I'm not addicted to a particular bassist cause I prefer listening to the music in a general way rather than listenning to the bass. However, I love Paul mc Cartney, Will Lee, Larry graham, Tal Wilkenfeld, Graham Maby, Verdine White and several french bass players that you've never heard talking 'bout before... I do apologize by advance for my bad english but school and english lessons are very far from now...Maybe I'll have to use Google translation if you ever answer to my post. See you. Something.
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