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Posts posted by seb

  1. So...this is hard to do...but i need to do it. im selling my 88 4 stringed streamer stage I bass and my corvette standard which is handmade in germany, im looking as well for trades (warwicks, especially ss II or anything else, just make me an offer) i ll upload pictures tomorrow, it s hard for me to do this but im a student and to tell you the truth i dont have enough place and money :) and as well im not sure what i want (i had warwicks for 5 years now) im opened even to trades for amps. sorry but i cant tell you a real price yet

  2. hey guys...i have a minor problem(hope so) i just bought a bass and it doesnt have straplocks, or how are they called, it doesnt look like its broken but i cant get the mechanism, i had many basses before but honestly ive never paid attention to strap locks, i ve uploaded a photo but the quality is bad, it s because ive got a s#$%%y camera and because i dont know how to make a good picture, it would be very nice if you could help me. cheers

  3. hhehe is so funny seeing people talking about that corvette...its funny because i bought it, an yeah it is true that the seller didnt want to send me pictures and stuff...but finally ive received the bass and i still think it was a mistake or smth or its stollen, cuz this bass sounds AMAZING and i had 4 warwick before(thumb,streamette,fna jazzman,streamer 1), but this is for my taste :)

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