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Posts posted by lee4

  1. [quote name='Soloshchenko' post='754122' date='Feb 22 2010, 05:49 PM']Of all the shapes I've seen in recent years this is the one that's really grown on me. I'm tempted but will resist...hopefully.

    Good luck with the sale, I think this'll be gone quick.[/quote]
    Why is everyone so strong-willed?What happened to the weak of spirit,those happy souls with cash they no longer need? :)

  2. [quote name='erisu' post='750432' date='Feb 19 2010, 12:39 AM']Is it me or does the top edge of the nut look too big for the neck width? :)[/quote]
    Replacement nut+poor luthiers skills.Whoops.Thats why its £150!

  3. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='750250' date='Feb 18 2010, 09:45 PM']I think it's just one of those things you have to get used to. Let's face it, most bassists think a stingray is a bit "out there" compared to your average fender lolz. It's not my favourite shape personally but i can imagine it being quite comfortable to play.[/quote]
    9 times out of 10 we are stuck at the back next to the drummer,so why not play something that makes people turn their heads and look.
    Death to boring bass design!

  4. [quote name='bassman2790' post='750216' date='Feb 18 2010, 09:01 PM']Must......resist.......

    As you can see from my sig, I've got a bit of a soft spot for the Yamaha BB range. I got the bug since playing one at a 'Guitarfest' a few years ago. In my opinion they are very under-rated, always well made and well finished and with a good range of tones available. Whoever buys this will not be disappointed[/quote]
    Go on,you will,you will,etc......

  5. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' post='747604' date='Feb 16 2010, 06:51 PM']what is the extent of the 'battle scars'? I may be interested.[/quote]
    2 holes where a thumb rest was fitted,some light belt rash on the rear.

  6. For sale,due to pressing an EP,my YamahaBB414.
    It comes with the strap and case(A Warwick Rockcase).
    Never gigged,only used in a rehearsal room,it has a few battle scars and a replacement nut.
    Yours for £150 ONO.
    Send me a PM if you are interested.
    I am 5 miles from Guildford in Surrey,so I can bring it to you if you are close by.
    Sorry,no cheques,folding readies only!

  7. Sorry to hear about your back problem;I have suffered with a bit back since my early 20's(I'm 40 now)and I have found Pilates to help greatly.
    I also found that lowering the body of the bass but lifting the angle of the neck to help.
    As for a lightweight bass,I would definately recommend a Hohner B2A.I bitterly regret selling mine as it held it's tuning for weeks,
    could be re-strung in 20 minutes,was light as a feather,and had a great sound.
    Happy hunting.

  8. Ho ho ho,if you find yourselves in Brighton on December 23rd,pop into the Prince Albert and lend your ears to the Orchid Thieves.
    You'll want to wrap us up and open us on Xmas Day.Just be careful where you insert the batteries!

  9. A bass rig that fits into a suitcase,yet puts out 500W,has no EQ(because it sounds great),and weighs about 6kg.
    A 4 string bass that sounds sublime when I play it but makes anyone who tries it,other than me,sound like a bag of nails.
    A Citroen DS,in black.
    My pick from the Rolex catalogue.
    A brewery.
    A distillery.
    Some talent.

    As you can tell,the medication has kicked in! :)

  10. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='631454' date='Oct 20 2009, 04:04 PM']Yes, the Big Block Precision never really took off. Basically works like an MM Hubucker, which I'd imagine was part of the idea, to create a cheap off the peg MusicMan competitor.

    The other multi-jazz pickup that springs to mind is the Tri-Max used on the Status Groove (another MM-type bass.) The Tri-Max used the same style of hum cancelling as the Sterling basses (with the silent third dummy coil in between the main two coils), but moulded into a block of three. Makes a great sound. I'd like to hear two of this style of unit on one bass. Now that would be something! :)[/quote]
    Yep,I can confirm that the Status pup sounds great.It can be muddy,but nothing an eq can't sort out.

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