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Posts posted by Tech

  1. blah-plump.

    and I may as well drop it to £130!!!

    c'mon guys, this thing is in stunning condition, and the sound is phenominal - I used this cab for my pop/rock outfit - heavy use of the low B for grooving - and it's soooo punchy on that low string, the low notes are like having a pillow fired out of a cannon at your chest for the audience... and to me it's the equivalent of tonal heaven.

    but I stress again - my band won't be touring until next summer... and most of my gigs are small mellow jazz gigs. so I need something smaller... bought an aguilar GS112 and i'm looking for another to pair it with - the tone SUCKS in comparison! but I have to compromise for the portability.

    so I repeat - £130! shoot me a pm!!

  2. [quote name='geilerbass' post='271067' date='Aug 27 2008, 03:15 PM']Ooo... the first bass I genuninely fell in love with was a 3006E. They really are the balls. I was sorely tempted by the one that came up for sale on here recently (with custom pickups), but sadly, didn't have the funds.[/quote]

    damn straight - I've never instantly liked *everything* about a bass before. I mean when I played stingrays and fenders in the shops, it was just like - 'well [i]this[/i] is awesome! but [b]this[/b] isn't quite what I was hoping.' but with this baby - I couldn't fault it. after trying a model out in cardiff, and seeing one on the classifieds here I knew that I had to get one :huh:
    also been the first 6 string I've ever been able to play - the neck is *just* the right shape and size to make it accessible. As shown in the pics, I wear my bass pretty low and I have comfortable access to all parts of the neck.

    [quote name='noisedude' post='271071' date='Aug 27 2008, 03:17 PM']I'm struggling to work out your genre ........ funky bass teamed with indie scarf and ska-punk guitar strap ........ ?!

    Sweet bass though, I'd love a 5-string version of that.[/quote]

    the low B is killer man, probably the deepest low B I've ever heard. My one criticism is it doesn't have as much clarity as some of the other low B strings out there (especially the ray), but it sure as hell is tight and growly, if that's what you dig :)

    and good luck trying to figure out the genre lmao, so am I :huh: I play in a jazz trio, I do sessions (musicals, choirs, wind bands etc), I play in a stoner rock outfit, an amateur pop group (check out the myspace if you wanna hear this baby in action - [url="http://www.myspace.com/stereotemple"]http://www.myspace.com/stereotemple[/url] at the beginning of time, I'm doing some widdly stuff on the top 2 strings and I also do some low down grooving on the B if you wanna check it out) and a power metal trio.

    *ALL WITH THE SAME BASS [[and clothes :huh: ]]*

  3. SR3006e

    just amazing. really. does everything from hard rock to jazz, she's lighter than most of the 4-strings I've ever played, and she's extremely comfortable. the perfect girl :)

  4. either wanna shift this for £140 picked up from my house in swansea...

    or traded for either a decent PA monitor and or a 15" 4ohm 200+ watt driver.

    PM me with what you've got and we can negotiate! ta.

    In pretty much mint condition, mostly used for band practice, gigged probably 15 times since I got her. gorgeous sound, but I'm getting into uni next year and I need to think about things practically. Plus I'm getting more and more jazz / other sessions at moderate volumes that require something much smaller.

  5. Thanks very very much to take the time in your response BassBomer414... you answered many questions I had going through my head.

    I also felt we were cluttered a bit at times, that's definitely something we should look in to... and I feared the sax might be surplus at times - our sax player is also the keyboard player, so it's not so much a problem to ease off on the sax.

    it's a combination of things resulting in a dead drum sound, including the recording equipment, the room, the drumkit, amongst other things. new skins would be a thought for the next time we record, but our drummer is hoping to get a whole new kit soon.

    good point about the mood of songs - never really given it that much consideration before, but it's something which we should do, because it could really help us get our songs sorted out.

    and I love coldplay and blondie (of course I know debbie harry! :huh: ) - your thoughts here are exactly the thoughts I had too, and it's great to have someone else confirm that!!

    I'm really grateful! :) Magenta are an awesome band, and I love how they construct songs - the singer is awesome, and they really flaunt that very well! we will take tips :huh: I also love the tone the bass player gets :huh: they remind me of what rush might be like if they formed in this day and age, but with less geddy lee :) very cool! :huh:

    and thanks for the input joe_bass... I think you're right there too, the guitarist was using his tele in that one and I think the single coil bride pickup was too sharp for the job. we know better now :huh:

  6. [quote name='ironside1966' post='252251' date='Jul 31 2008, 07:01 PM']...if you focus on the individual tracks they sound ok, but IMNO they do not gel together as they should, it sound like the tracks where treated soloed to get the best individual sound rather then in the context of the mix.

    ...saturation plugins can do wonders to help sound gel...[/quote]

    ah, thanks for the heads up! it's difficult to listen to the mix as a whole when you're just recorded something yourself, but I see what you mean now... will look into saturation plugins :) thanks!

    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='252294' date='Jul 31 2008, 07:51 PM']Ummm just for the sake of clarity, when you say "female fronted"...



    lol :huh:

    all your questions will be answered if you check out the myspace page my friend :huh:

  7. cheers for the kind words, and thanks so much for taking the time to listen and evaluate the tracks!! =]

    yeah, I thought the vocals were really dry too... more reverb sounds good!!

    and thanks for the comments on the bass tone, I was kicking myself about spending £20+ on a new set of strings before the recording but it all adds up, and I'm pretty happy with the tone too :) but yeah, we should look at everything else a bit closer next time.

    as for the timing - this is the recurring comment we've gotten from everyone... this was our first time recording as a band (I've recorded before with other artists, but none of the others had). I took it for granted that our drummer could play to a click track, but he struggled so much we had to abandon the idea. I'm thinking about asking him to practice to a click track - it'd pay off no end in the long run!

    We didn't pay anything for these recordings and we have no intention of selling them on or anything... but we didn't want to get a session with someone like peter king and spend £500 on an EP that wasn't a) worth recording in terms of material... or b.) going to reflect the best of our abilities. I wanted to get the practice in to give us something to work with...

    Thanks very very very much for your input, it's definitely falling on keen ears =]

  8. My band, stereotemple, just recorded a casual EP in my mates living room, just to get some ideas for tracks on record...

    we need opinions and advice on our music... you would be doing me a *massive* favor in checking out one or two of our tracks and letting us know how can we can improve!!


    thanks in advance... =]]

  9. wawaweewah... the first sei I've ever liked, which also happens to the first headless I've ever liked... and I'm looking for a 5 string too.

    I just can't justify spending the dosh. I promised myself if anything happened with my band I'd splash out on a new bass, but not much has happened yet... if this is still for sale when I get signed, I'll shoot you a pm :huh:

    in the meantime, have a bump on me for a stunning bass :)

  10. welcomeee =]

    double bassist aye? I've got me one of them.
    youth orchestra is great fun (I play for south wales county, we're going on tour to italy this summer :) used to play bass guitar in the schools wind band, and when I saw the old upright in the corner I taught myself... then the double bass teacher caught me and dragged me into county, and I'm finding it a laugh now =] minimum requirement grade 5, but I haven't sat any grades on the DB yet ;) so you're 6 grades better than me :huh: but tour should be good, lots of booze and partying I'm sure ;) )

    hope things work out for ya though =] if not with them, I'm sure you could do better =]]

    there are a few youngsters round and about here, and those who are older might aswell be youngsters by the way they act anyway ;)

    hope you enjoy your time here :huh:
    mat (fellow teenaged DB and BGer from swansea) =]

  11. aha!

    i had the 5 string version of this bass, with EMG PJs... really miss it in fairness, she was stunning - olympic white, gold hardware, black scratchplate, white pickups, and the sound... tremendous.

    i only sold because I'm playing 6 strings these days... really regret it now, because the sound and feel were so perfect. very very tight bass - you can dig in till the cows come home, and it's all solid tone. damn!

    whoever gets this will be a very, very happy person. the chap who I bought it from had it in a herd of nothing less than £1000 - mostly MTDs (yeah, plural!) and F-bass... and it outlived his fenders and musicmans (musicmen?), competing against the top notch of basses before he finally had to let it go, and i did practically prise it from his hands.

    good luck with the sale!

  12. holy flipping crap. f**king stunning mate.

    i'm pretty far short of this amount of dosh... perhaps if I sold off one of the herd and made up the dosh with the money that was gonna pay for a year of car insurance =\

    if we get any success after our impending studio visit, then I might hit this thread again. until then, have a bump on me :)

  13. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='91209' date='Nov 20 2007, 01:00 AM']Take Darling Dear (Jackson 5) as an example. Apart from the opening few bars, there's virtually no repeating of anything through the rest of the song. Take away the rest of the song, and the bass line on its own is an amazing melody.[/quote]

    Jamerson is indeed the man =]

    that is such a pretty bassline. I spent the last few months learning it for one of my A-level performances. everytime I pick up a bass, I can't help but play it - the groove is immense. it's not *technically* that challenging, but I'll be damned if I could hear anyone play it like Jamerson. it's all in the feel... but it's soothing to play =]

    as for tracks that I could never nail... I'm a massive chilis fan and spent weeks learning all of their classics, but the one bit that always eludes me is the chorus in Right On Time. Just can't get it up to speed =\

    also, I do find Jaco tracks very difficult; I can hit the notes, perhaps sloppily, but even then it's not JACO... if you get me? it's just someone playing notes on a bass, I can't make it sing like he can.

    Billy Sheehan stuff is incredibly tricky. I covered Addicted To That Rush (what a track!) for months, and still couldn't get all of those little licks nailed! hats off to the man, he can play some mean bass.

    edit: thinking about it, he's a really nice chap too. sent him an e-mail about a year ago and he replied promptly and came across as a very very nice guy indeed =]

  14. I've got a pair of Jackson PS performers...

    one of them is a bit of a rebuild after my dad went schizo and smashed it to bits, that was originally a PS2 Concept, and the other is a PS4 performer.

    the former is a dull metallic red (was originally glossy black... man i miss that axe the way it was...) and the latter is trans red over flame maple. both have EMGs in the bridge position... lush =D

  15. 1988 stingray 4, 2 band EQ, in transparent red finish.

    very mojo'd... the finish is completely worn away. the vintage vibe from this instrument is incredible, and I always felt an amazing connection with it live. the transparent red finish is worn away in several places... will post a picture if you need it. complete with someone's initials carved into the neck, it's impossible not to pick up the years of love and affection and rock and roll that this bass has received.

    the rick just happens to be more collectable so that's one for the closet... and I'm writing songs using the low B and high C these days, so I need the 6er to gig. it just happens that the stingray pulls the short straw, by default. bloody hell I'll miss this bass, my first truly awesome bass... and oh my god, if the chilis were a bass, it would be this one.

    might post her up for sale in a few months time, but for now, i'll trade for your set of wheels. just shoot me a pm and we'll see what happens.

    will post up pics if I get any interest!!

    as for the car - anything that's insurable would be nice. ideally 3 door hatchback, but anything will do. just let me know what you've got!

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