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Posts posted by howdoesitgoagain

  1. West Malvern Social Club.... Saturday 6th November, 3 quid on the door. 8 till late.

    funk freak space rock dub weirdo night, with Dub in the Pub support.

    Looks and sounds like....

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cDvORf9Jio&feature=related"]Fruit Machine.[/url].

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5pYlPK2avk"]Dub in the Pub[/url]

    I play bass in both bands, ... well greedy :)

  2. nah, thats what I won them for, I doubt he will list it again for a while, in the meantime the new ones will probably drop in price.

    If I had gone to pick these up it was going to cost about 30 quid in fuel, so ok at £102 but £150...... they are only £217 new and free delivery plus a warranty.

    I am probably just going to buy some new ones unless something comes up not far from home in the next 24 hours, I have a gig on Saturday :)

  3. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='1007809' date='Oct 31 2010, 08:31 PM']the guy's an eBay noob, no feedback.
    Prob didn't understand what's going on fully.[/quote]
    he has zero rated feedback now ..... and it was all going so well with that positive one he had :)

  4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150508384042"]the item [/url] in question.

    the same thing is available from Thomanns for £227 inc postage.. its not like it cost £500, we all take a loss sometimes if sell on ebay without putting a reserve on it, fortunately he hasn't taken my money.

  5. What a w***er , just spoke to the guy, Thomas Green from Market Harborough, says he wanted £150 for it and wont honour the sale and will put it back on ebay. plank.

    bad feedback and a complaint going in later, what he fails to understand is that he is not going to get what he wants if he has feedback indicating lack of trustworthiness and a tendency to grumpy beligerence :)

    Right a beer and compose some snotty feedback ranting.

  6. My missus sometimes gets a bit narked when I have more than one practice a week plus a gig plus a few training outings on my bike, mostly due to me not earning any cash that week :) But she would never give me that sort of ultimatum unless I was really not earning any money and was out messing about with my mates every single day.

    A few practices and gigs plus the bike 3 times a week and earn 150 quid a week [ we are both happy part time skivers and can live in poverty quite happily ] and such an ultimatum if it came would be met with derision, I would tell her to stop buying stuff on ebay and not to mention Christmas again.

  7. Dilemma ...
    I bought a bass cab off a guy on ebay a week ago and he appears to be not wanting to part with it, it was pretty cheap... he wont talk to me and has ignored my emails...

    Unfortunately [ possibly ] for him I have not only now got his address and email it only took 5 minutes to get his full name and home number. .... :lol:

    My dilemma is should I call him and have it out or just leave him sh*tty feedback and report him for breach of contract?

    If you are reading this t*****9 sort it out mate. :)

  8. [quote name='Twigman' post='999857' date='Oct 25 2010, 11:51 AM']doesn't work for me...since suffering nerve damage in my neck 2 years ago I don't have the strength to hold a pick!!! - I have had to relearn everything that used to be plectrum on fingers...which makes strummed bass chords...er different....that's the only area I struggle with now.[/quote]

    blimey, that is a bit of a nightmare... I used to just use a pick all the time but fingers help with versatility, I ocassionally use the forefinger nail as a pick, usually in an total emergency, it is not nice though :)

    It is pretty enjoyable messing about with different styles and techniques anyway, you find yourself doing stuff you couldn't learn from a book by noodling about, lovely lovely bass practice :lol:

  9. Can't really add much only don't get caught out like I did at a gig a couple of weeks ago, drunk drummer and drunk guitarist decide an already fairly fast number [ I play using fingers on ] was going to be a full on rock freak out, twice normal speed, be ready with a pick is all I have to say, it can save your life :)

  10. Malvern, Worcestershire..... knock a tenner off and it might be worth the drive :lol: it is about 95 miles via A roads and 125 on the M ways , I have a diesel van that does about 35 to the gallon ish..
    I drove down your way last year, god it was a tedious journey :)

  11. Would you post it? If so how much do you reckon.
    Chesham is a bit too far for me to drive to collect maybe but if the postage isn't too dear I might be interested. It would cost me about 30 quid in fuel to collect I think.

    Any dodgy noises from the drivers?

    I don't care about the cosmetics :) it is a bit of a fright sight for some I guess.

    Cheers, Steve.

  12. One of the bands I am involved in, All Stars Dub Band [ aka Dub in the Pub ] laid back dub stuff, just for fun and gigs in pubs.
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWOlvDcqjx8"]Dub in the Pub vid[/url] I come into shot about halfway through, if you can bear it :)

  13. I originally asked the same question in the wrong section :) possibly...

    I have a cheapo Biscayne 4 string that is not getting used due to a much better bass taking it's place, it has some issues with neck straightness and playability [ but not so bad it is a total reject ] so is probably a good candidate for experimentation.. and could mean a bass is back in use again instead of gathering dust..

    Any advice welcome and may be acted on :rolleyes:

    Cheers, Steve

  14. Cheers Happy, the neck isn't so bad it is unplayable, just some frets are wayward and there are various buzzes up and down the neck, I would play a gig with it if I had to, it is just a tad annoying :)

    The other issue I have with it is that is is not that natural to play with your eyes shut...... I do a lot of this so I can listen to the artistry [ or otherwise ] of the rest of the band.... my Yamahahaha is one that feels pretty natural in this respect.

    I will repost this in the section you suggest, cheers, Steve.

  15. I have a cheapo Biscayne 4 string that is not getting used due to a much better bass taking it's place, it has some issues with neck straightness and playability so is probably a good candidate for experimentation.. and could mean a bass is back in use again instead of gathering dust..

    Any advice welcome and may be acted on :)

    Cheers, Steve

  16. mostly slightly drunk people, sometimes the wife if she has bothered to come along, often the sax player who still can't believe he is in a freakband.....

    Best one I had was mid gig at one of the first shows we had done, largish pub venue.
    I was using someone else's 300+watt set up and was getting on with it when some one shouts "can't hear the bass, turn it up a bit" so I did, apparently some people started to feel unwell and had to leave the bar, it was like some sort of microwave effect..
    On reflection it did sound a bit harsh on stage but as I am usually quite close to it [ so I can keep an eye on the drummer :rolleyes: ] can't fully appreciate the actual sound when it focuses somewhere in front of the stage,,,,,,

    I did end up living with a groupie I brought back from a festival in the 1980's but I was a guitarist then so it doesn't count :)

  17. My present band has been going about 10 months and is really exciting to do gigs with, some of the stuff is fairly complex in places [ by my standards at least ] so I get a serious rush when it goes right and our dour drummer starts smiling :)

    Our sax player is from a classical background [ very very serious proper highbrow ] and he can't believe his luck getting into a freak dance band where he can make hideous honking noises and wear shades on a darkened stage......

    Last gig we did was headlining a small 3 day festival, after we finished a group of lads [ of a distinctly grungy appearance ] came up to us and said we were the best band they had ever seen, if that isn't a good reason to do gigs then what is?

    At the end of a gig when 20 quid is stuffed in your hand for having a laugh and getting a load of people dancing in a freaky style..... well who could want more ?

    Tell you what though; I would not like to do covers and weddings every week, it would have to be really well paid to make me even think about it. But then I struggle with other peoples music, I never learned scales properly and even get a bit lost playing 12 bar blues sometimes :rolleyes:

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