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Posts posted by scoobystig

  1. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1414090739' post='2585802']
    Yeah surely you'd just need to de-tune the E to Eb? Couple of seconds with a tuner?


    Absolutely I play a few songs in drop D, I have more or less memorised where the tuning peg needs to be for both E and D, I have a small clip on tuner behind the headstock and can tune in less time it takes the singer to stop arsing about between songs

    If he does catch me out I can usually tune it on the fly as I more or less know the position the tuner peg needs to be in for either note

  2. I've been using an akai unibass for a while in our band to support the guitarist during solos
    This pedal is able to add the upper fifth as well

    It's then fed off to a line 6 amp where I add distortion, flanger, chorus or whatever

    I also have the wah wah pedal to play living on a prayer, meaning I can play the bass and guitar parts,

    However having seen the tracking on the pog I think I might be changing for one of them, the unibass is good but you can upset it with too many notes

    I assume a pog and a boss ps6 will give me the same thing' but more polyphonic

  3. Yes I had considered this, but the basses are on wireless packs and so the receiver is at the amp already, seems daft to run it out to a pedal and back again
    Wanted to try and keep the bass to the amp as clean as possible

    I think I am going to build a remote control relay module to site between the pre amp out and power amp in connections to work as a mute button, that way I can have 2 foot switches (latching and momentary) working in parallel to cause the mute depending upon whether I need it muted for a couple of notes or a whole passage

    And the same for an effect loop around the unibass to either latch in or momentary switch in

    Another reason is the unibass might not stay as it's tracking over multiple notes suffers, so might get switched out for a pog or even that new pitchfork

  4. I play a lyte as my main bass and love its tone
    I must admit I have never struggled for high end clarity
    I have the action on mine as low as possible, volume right up and all the other 3 pots centred, tweak on the amp to suit the venue and we are away
    It's mainly rock we play so a good thump is required, but I also play some of the chilli peepers stuff so the higher clarity is needed

  5. Ok let me set the scene, up until now I have had a bass guitar connected to an amp twiddled some knobs and played
    I did go quite exotic and buy a wireless system so I could walk around the stage in a postering manor and not trip over

    Well now I want to add more to the overall sound of the band, we are a 3 piece heavy rock covers band which play a variety of typical power chord and riffing covers
    So in some songs I want to thicken my sound slightly while the guitarist is playing a solo to try and fill some of the hole left, in other songs I am emulating a rhythmn guitarist as well either by playing power chords or riffs through an akai unibass and into a separate guitar amp

    So this is what is in my head and I want to know if it's possible and where I can source pedal, switchers or loopers to achieve it

    I have 2x bases both on shure wireless packs to 1x common wireless receiver so I switch guitars about and switch on or off the TX to suit
    From here I output the wireless into the amp, then use the DI out pre EQ to send to the unibass pedal and from there to the guitar amp

    So first question can I put a splitter or something permanently here to separate out 1x signal to go to my bass rig and 1x signal to the unibass hence leaving the DI available for sending to house PA's but with out degrading the bass signal

    From here I need to follow 2 routes, we'll cover the guitar first,

    From the splitter to the unibass but I also want a twin footswitch alongside this, one to latch either this chain on or off, this way I can leave the unibass permanently on and set and the second as a momentary switch working in parallel with the latch
    So in effect I can switch it on and leave it on with the latch switch and other times I can have it off, but press the non latch pedal to get a quick power chord to emphasis certain parts
    I will also be looking at a wah wah pedal in this line as well and then off to the guitar amp, all guitar distortion and effect is done from the amp
    I have seen the boss twin pedal but not sure if this could achieve the above

    Next is the bass path, so from the splitter to the input of the amp and then basically out of the pre amp out to a twin footswitch as above, but to work with different polarity so one to switch the bass in and out on a latch, the other as a non latching mute, so no bass signal is allowed through while switch is pressed but immediately restored upon release of the button
    This would allow me to play guitar parts without bass present but then to switch in the bass when required
    An example of this would be paranoid where I play the entire intro as the guitar before then bringing the bass in with the drums

    I would also like to look at maybe a chorus or Octaver pedal in this loop as well for a bit of effect, the Octaver would be used where just the bass is covering the rhythmn during a solo but the bass line doesn't lend it self to having the unibass switched in as it's not on root notes etc

    Later on down the road I would like to add a synth pedal to get a keyboard type effect for playing for example the keyboard intro to bon jovi's lay your hands on me

    Is this as complicated as it sounds in my head ????

    As you can tell I'm completely new to this effect arena and so all advice is welcome


  6. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1412640249' post='2570743']
    I'm probably a daft noob, but is there something wrong with lending a mic to someone who is starting out as a vocalist?
    Besides, if it turns out that thwy learn that they're no good ir would save them buying a mic.

    I'm not talking about people starting out, these are singers who claim to have gigged for many years in bands

    And in my opinion yes, no one lent me a bass guitar to find out if I was any good, if you want to do a job you buy the tools to do that job


    Certainly was a lot cheaper that I what I had to invest in when I first started

  7. Well I quite enjoyed it really, not being old enough to know the original lineup, my genesis is of Phil Collins, mike Rutherford and tony banks and so it was nice to see how the band was formed and what led to the line up that I knew growing up

    I know of course of Peter Gabriel as I have been fortunate to meet him and record at real world studios, but was not overly aware of steve Hackett or indeed his solo work

    However I didn't realise until last night how many genesis/ Gabriel / Collins / mike and the mechanics songs that I know

    The one thing that was clear is that tony banks has the serious hump with Gabriel still and was certainly the most bitter one sat in that room

  8. I think more annoying that all that, is the adverts put on by someone who makes out they are so desperate to be in a band
    But then doesn't reply to any of their messages

    We are desperately looking for a singer at the moment and so are trawling these sites daily but to no avail

    We have had a couple of replies, one from a singer who lived over 20 miles away but had no transport and so assumed that one of us would go and pick them up !!!!!!!

    Another replied and said they had no kit (jeez how many singers have a PA) but they literally had nothing, but was willing to buy a mic if it worked out !!! FFS are these people serious

    Anyway. Any one know a good rock singer in Swindon, who can strum a few chords if needed but not essential

  9. I was once drafted into a band and given the position of bass player and spent 3 weeks learning thier entire 2 hr set while a member was on holiday

    Only to not hear from them for about 4/5 weeks and then to see a List of gigs appear on thier Facebook page

    I assumed that I was not needed

  10. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1411035940' post='2555750']

    If you do decide to try TC and are tempted by the RH450 then make sure you try one in a band situation and not just a shop demo.

    There's something in the circuitry that makes these sound good in low volume demo situations (or at bedroom volume) but they can be absolute tone suckers live. Simply the worst live amp I've ever used :(

    Absolutely I was speaking to mark at bass direct about this, it's something to do with a filter they have In The circuitry that cuts the highs
    The 750 does not have the same circuitry

    I too want to try some GK heads on the neo 112 cabs, but can't seem to find anyone with it is stock

    Molan do you have one in at bass gear ?


  11. Not much easier down here
    I want a 500w rig,
    looking at EBS reidmar, Aguilar TH500 or GK fusion mb500 all with 2 of their respective 112 cabs
    But can't find any retailer that stocks them all, and the ones that claim they do don't have them in to try

  12. Hi guys

    After trialling a lot of guitarists we have decided to stick to 1 main guitarist and myself on bass with my trusty unibass pedal to fill the holes

    He is playing through and the unibass goes through a line 6 combo so no massive 4x12s to cope with

    Any one know what the Aguilar gs112 cabs are like or would it suit two berg 112's

    Even now considering the GK fusion 500 and 2x GK 112 neo cabs. Any thoughts

  13. Hi I'm after a new rig

    And I have tried out a EBS reidnar head coupled with 2x neoline 112 cabs and also an aquilar tone hammer 500 on 2 vanderklay 112 cabs

    My question to users of these amps is

    Will this cab and amp combo be powerful enough to play in a heavy rock band (metallica, iron maiden, acdc ) type music

    2x guitarist and enthusiastic drummer

    Thanks for your input

  14. Hi looked into this and it is possible. But it needs to be an active 15 inch can with the amp built in. So super rare

    I am still interested though

    Need to raise some funds and work out when I'm heading your way next

  15. When I first started I had a 50w un named amp sat on 2x cabs that I built myself out of chip board with 2 15" speakers bought from RS
    And used a Hohner copy of a p bass

    Then I was young and no commitments and so new shiny equipment was easily bought, ended up with 2x 15 cabs with 2x 410s on top and 2x heads, full wireless packs a fender precision lyte and a bass I constructed myself from a tangle wood pattern
    when the band broke up I sold the lot except the basses

    Now I've started again and my rig consist of a 10 yr old peavey 115tvx and a firebass head which is my dads and on a sort of loan

    I too am lusting after some new kit ( well at least something a dam site lighter), but I know it will be a long while until the gig money comes in enough to buy something as I have a family now and commitments, but I am having great fun jamming the music again

    That said I do drive a shiny new audi coupe !!!, but it's not mine it's a company car and if they want to give it me who I am to say no, and then I to can sprinkle the w***ah dust if needed

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