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Posts posted by obbm

  1. 1 hour ago, nekomatic said:

    Interesting, as it looks suspiciously similar to something like 

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283964862682?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SsSiHyWXTLi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=O0J6pgZgSC6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY which I had considered at in the past as a possible mini power amp - but a lot more expensive. I wonder how long these can sustain their rated output without overheating but as you say, if Eich are prepared to put their name on it one assumes it performs. 

    I have a 100-watt Nobsound, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274444339477, which I use to drive an active stool or a platform with drums. I think the Eich could be an uprated version of this although the price hike is a bit alarming. The 19-volt power supply is 60% the size of the amp so it's all a bit messy.  I've modified mine so the speaker outlet is now a jack rather than terminal posts however the input is still a phono.  I have yet to try it with a bass through a decent speaker.

    • Like 2
  2. I can remember that when I wanted to buy a proper bass in 1964 a Fender Precision was about £85.  In the end I had to opt for a Framus Star Bass at £40.  At that time average earnings was about £10 a week.

    • Like 2
  3. Had a UL310 and used it for 80 odd gigs when I was playing a lot but then sold it in favour of 2 x UL112. 

    Eventually picked up 2 more UL310s and a UL902 but sadly never got use use them in anger as the band folded.

    Like so much gear they got moved on and so I never got to hear what this rig actually sounded like apart from in my garage.  Great kit.




    • Like 2
  4. This is my current board based on the Aclam XS1.  In order to maximise space I replaced the end cheeks with pieces of right-angle aluminium faced with self-adhesive silicon rubber strip.  Underneath is a Thumpinator and the rechargeable battery pack.






    It is my intention to  replace the Sweeper, the Subnup and possibly the Tuner, BDDI and Thumpinator with an HX Stomp. 


    There are however a couple of issues with this.


    1.  I need to change over from battery power to mains power as the battery pack does not have enough capacity for the HX Stomp. Not a big deal just need some cash.


    2. Going from the the Cali76 to the Stomp will mean that the Tuner function is after the compressor which is not recommended.  Would it be sensible to put an FX Loop as the first block of The Stomp and run the compressor on that?


    • Like 11
  5. Bergantino CN210, Neodymium 2 x10, 8-ohm, 400-watt cabinet complete with cover.


    Great sounding lightweight cabinet, 15.5Kg.


    Serial number is 0143, not as shown in picture.


    Excellent condition.


    £500 plus carriage


    Happy to meet at Cornwall/Devon border if unable to collect or courier at buyers expense.


    Would be interested in trade for a Barefaced One10 with silver cloth grille plus some cash my way.







    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Chienmortbb said:

    I suspect @obbmwill tell a different story!

    Yes Slightly different John.  In my latter days at Sony Broadcast I was Technical Manager for Exhibitions, a kind of super Roadie.  For some months prior to the big trade shows I would meet with the Product Managers and we would decide what we show and how it would be demonstrated.  From these discussions a list of equipment and a set of schematics was produced.  For the very large show (IBC in Amsterdam) I used to take on two broadcast engineering students from Ravensbourne College in Bromley for the summer months to help.  It helped me enormously and gave them an insight into a large manufacturer, the industry, got them to the show and they got paid.  Our Logistics people did a great job in allocating all the products required  and packing it by area.  I should point out that the largest stand we built was 40m x 25m triple decker so the amount of equipment required filled a number of 40-ft artics.  It was like building a TV station from scratch in 10 days. I used a team of 4 or 5 installation wiremen and would work closely with the stand builders to get all the inter-area cabling installed.  Once we started putting product into the stand the Product Managers and Product Support Engineers would finish connecting up and start commissioning.  We liked to keep them away until it was convenient to us for them to be there so they used to attend the Sales Meeting. The afternoon before opening all the sales guys descended on us for hands-on training.  For the whole of the build we were in very casual dress but come opening time everyone was there in their suits, regardless of what time we finished the night before.  Once it was over we had 3 days to take it all apart put the right kit in the right boxes, store away all the cables and ship everything back.


    Sorry I've rambled on for too long but happy days. 

    • Like 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, Undertone said:

    Interesting. Thanks

    Just found a picture of the inside of it and the input socket is wired directly to a small transformer. I can also see a rectifier and smoothing capacitors so it definitely needs AC. If it came with a 4.8VA adaptor then that should be a minimum requirement. If you find something with a higher rating then that will be fine.

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