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Posts posted by Ou7shined

  1. [quote name='neepheid' post='42309' date='Aug 7 2007, 08:57 AM']Nae bad, fit like yersel?[/quote]

    Ha ha a fellow granite city loon. :)
    If you're [b]un[/b]lucky enough to be passing by the Moorings this Saturday night you'll get a lugful of us rockin the shop. If the Moorings ain't your cup o tea (and lets face it they are shall we say "niche" :ph34r:) we've got Drummonds and The Lemon Tree coming up too.

    Are you gigging? What do you play yersel?

  2. Hi fellow bassists. My name is Rich.

    <- that's me.

    I live in Aberdeen, I'm 40 and a full time dad. I've been playing guitar for well over 20 years now (whoosh - gone just like that) I don't think that I'm all that good really but whatever it is I'm doing I must be doing right as fellow muso's and fans alike seem to rate me. I've always considered myself more of a guitarist (6 stringer) but over the last few years circumstances have conspired against that notion and I keep getting typecast as a bassist. After a 2 year break from music to pursue the career mentioned earlier and long history of playing in grunge bands (were talking original scene here - not the current yoot resurgence) I was headhunted and persuaded to join a brand new Pearl Jam tribute band called... wait for it... Pearl Jammin'. It's a wee bit odd that I'm the same age as both our guitarist's combined, :huh: but as they never guessed that I'm a wrinkly until I let slip down the pub last week I'm not that bothered about it. We are gigging and pulling in a fair crowd in Aberdeen venues. We've got bookings for further afield coming up too.

    I would put my bass playing style down to years of hooking into the minutia of Geezer Butler magic. Other influences have been Horace Panter (The Specials - my first favourite band) , Flea, the subtle tones of a chap called Walters from a 60's outfit you may have heard of named Pink Floyd have helped and now I am coming to appreciate just how good Jeff Ament was/is. My own creations smack of Soundgarden. I have a great appreciation of all types of music but very little tolerance for modern chart stuff which I see primarily as regurgitated pap geared toward a consumerist market rather than providing for an enthusiast one. I'm particularly taken by [b]Opeth[/b] at the moment - which might say a lot about me actually.

    My gear ->
    [b]Ibanez SRX300[/b] + [b]Boss GT-6B[/b]...
    ...and that's pretty much it really. I'm quite literally "sans amp" :) I generally DI from my GT-6B into whatever PA we're using and if circumstances dictate, I can DI to the PA from my Laney RBH700 which I simultaneously pump into a 10" Peavey wedge to use as a bass monitor for me and the drummer. At home I practice through my NAD/Castle hi-fi - my neighbours love me :huh: and at rehearsals I use whatever lump the room provides - usually Peavey or Ashdown.

    I'm technically pretty rotten and not up on pro gear so I guess I'll not be much help 'round here but as a veteran I might be able to chip in with my tuppence from time to time and I'll probably ask some dumb-ass questions to top up my failing grey matter too.

    Right, I need to go to bed now... this has taken faaar too long to do. Night all. Mind how ye go.

    btw : fit like = Aberdonian for hello

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