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  1. [quote name='razze06' post='824147' date='Apr 30 2010, 07:29 AM']Anyone else loves these beasts? If so, show some love, pics, and stories of your golden-era peavey gear, especially mark III and IV bass heads. Must have a top handle![/quote] Sorry, no pics, and to be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with these heads. Love the power, flexibility, durability, and value; hate the weight. I have both a Mark III and a Mark VI head (don't worry, the VI still has a handle on the top ). I bought them from Craigslist ads for $75 and $100, respectively, a year or so ago (probably got taken a bit, but I was a newbie at the time and didn't haggle). I normally gig with the Mark III into a 4x8" SWR cab. I use an EH Big Muff Pi Bass Fuzz and the dual outputs (effected and clean) from the pedal going into the dual channels of the Mark III let me dial in just the right mix of dirt and clean. The 4x8" cab gives me good enough bottom, and I like the zing I can get from the 8" speakers. However, for larger venues, I also roll out a 2x15" Peavey cab (which runs about 40-50 kilos), and run bi-amped. The Mark VI has a parametric electronic crossover for its bi-amp outputs so I use it as the control head and to drive the 4x8" cab from the high frequency bi-amp output. Although I'd love to use the Mark III as the control head, it only has a fixed crossover frequency, so I take the low frequency bi-amp output from the Mark VI and plug it into the Mark III's power amp input, using it to drive the larger cab. When I use this configuration and crank it, it sounds like Armageddon has arrived. Granted, the number of places I can use this setup is minimal, but it sure as hell looks impressive with two big old Peavey heads capping an almost two meter high stack of amps and speakers. That being said, I'm not getting any younger and I'll probably be looking for one of those wimpy Class-D things soon, if only to reduce wear and tear on the body. I guess that means I'll be saving the Peaveys for special occasions.
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