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Posts posted by beerdragon

  1. [quote name='Monz' post='581995' date='Aug 26 2009, 11:01 PM']So let me get this right.... You let your Drummer go near your bass amp and twiddle with knobs

    Have you any idea how dangerous that is?[/quote]

    Well he's at the back with amps a cabs and keeps saying i cant hear yer!, as the night wears on he's hitting the drums hard and harder so its no wonder. he's a bit of an animal.

  2. [quote name='leftybassman392' post='581964' date='Aug 26 2009, 10:27 PM']Bass amp with a remote so I don't have to get off my a*se to adjust the volume (usually upwards) when I'm practising at home. Or has somebody done that already?[/quote]

    I have one at gigs. it's called a drummer.

  3. [quote name='dazco' post='576984' date='Aug 21 2009, 06:37 PM']even I like that and i am not a fender bender.

    what are ashtrays?[/quote]

    Chrome pickup and bridge covers, which do bugger all but make it look nice. well you can stick a mute under the bridge cover.

  4. I'm seriously thinking about this one. Yeah i now i shouldn't have put it on here but its better than bidding on it and then finding a basschater beat me to it on ebay. the starting price makes me think it could end at quite a high price though.
    any thoughts. I was thinking what questions to ask him really.


  5. [quote name='Chris2112' post='570842' date='Aug 16 2009, 05:31 PM']Looks like a G&L to me. What makes you think the pic is earlier than 1980?[/quote]

    Purely because its in Black and white. not much of a reason i know.

  6. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='570808' date='Aug 16 2009, 04:58 PM']I might be wrong but it looks more like a G&L to me[/quote]

    That was my first thought, but i thought they didn't start G&L about 1980. and that picture looks earlier. no matter. i have to get off this Pc and find something to do. :)

  7. This is George Fullerton and Leo Fender holding what, a Musicman?

    By [url="http://profile.imageshack.us/user/beerdragon"]beerdragon[/url]

  8. A gig at a local Hotel. it got off to a bad start when we were asked to keep it down because a woman across the river had been complaining about the noise. first set we started pretty quiet and the jobsworth behind the bar still said it was still too loud. he was an arse!. we took no notice of him, any quieter and we might as well gone home, anyway, second set the place was packed and it got a bit louder with no complaints from the punters. and at the end of the night we had loads of compliments. when someone come up to you and says they really enjoyed the band it makes your night and look forward to the next one. only complaint i have is i have realised why i got rid of my first Jazz. with my style of playing i knock the neck volume button down with my fingers because i play with a pick. i will have to sort that out .

  9. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqymltJZ_ss&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqymltJZ_ss...feature=related[/url]



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