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Posts posted by JamieCooper91

  1. Im going to check it out sometime this week when im in at uni.

    Im guessing for now it would be loud enough but in the future if I wanted to get the full power out of the head, would I need to add another cabinet like a 115XL?
    My best friend/guitarist is a student sound engineer and im sure he would be able to explain this all but he is too busy fondling his new bloody iPhone.

    I have no idea why im thinking of another cab when this cab+head is nearly as heavy as myself :)

  2. We have three cars/drivers out of the four of us. A 4x10" would be alright, although I doubt it would fit in my "petite" boot without the seats down or the shelf off.

    Im not sure if I can try bass amps out in Guitar Guitar in Glasgow, I've only ever tried instruments out from there. My actual local music store has a very small amount of bass amps and none of them I would be interested in, shame.

    The Marshall and Hartke setups both look good to me, one of the rehearsal rooms we use has a Hartke setup. I'll pay more attention to it next time.

    I have no problems with buying second hand it's just that it's harder to find stuff that is close enough for me to drive and collect.

  3. The budget right now would probably be around £600. I've been trying to scout out second hand gear but it's not the easiest thing up here in the north.

    A bassist in a local band I know loves his Hartke cab, which is a 4x10 but im not sure on the model or the head he uses.

    That ampeg I spotted is on hold, for someone else! :)

    On the earplug front, I do wear plugs in practice but haven't got to getting moulded ones yet. Unfortunately im stuck to the orange 3M ones, which will do as long as I stand far away from my amp! They can get so bassy.

    Anyway cheers for all the food for thought!

  4. Well things have finally started to pick up, good news.
    The bad news is that I don't have an amp capable of playing the venues we'll be playing shortly. Mostly small clubs and supporting in larger venues. :)

    Anyway I need to cut through two loud guitars and a pretty loud drummer. So I was thinking of a 4x10" cab, at most of the rehearsal rooms I've been in it's been a 4x10 or 8x10 and as lovely as an 8x10 cab is, size+weight. The 4x10's always have enough headroom, some more than others..

    As far as my budget goes I doubt I could stretch to a valve head to go with the cab. My favourite make so far has been Ampeg, a Hartke I used was not bad either. I've had a bad experience with Aguilar though...

    What I've spotted so far has been the Marshall MBC410 and MB450H but I have no idea about the quality of Marshall bass gear. An Ampeg B5R and B-4x10 HLF used for £600 not too far for me to drive, and also this [url="http://glasgow.gumtree.com/glasgow/05/64864305.html"]http://glasgow.gumtree.com/glasgow/05/64864305.html[/url] but it's already sold and the guy didn't remove the ad! :lol:

    It's going to be a MIM Fender P bass going into it, mostly alt rock but I play quite heavily. For tone think Brand New/Placebo.

    If I've missed anything tragically obvious please be gentle, cheers! :)

  5. Cheers for the warm welcome guys, I know i'll be staying!

    And yeah it is a very nice Precision, the pickups really make a difference but I just love how indestructable it feels and just the feel of the bass. It's not been unknown for my headstock to meet with the cymbals at the more upbeat rehearsals!

    I don't think I'll ever get rid of it tbh, it'll always have a purpose as a real workhorse and it's got too many memories tied up with it.

    I have been looking around though for another bass for a bit more diversity and as a real backup. Most likely an American or Japanese Jazz, white or surf green with a maple neck (L)

    Still im more in the market for pedals and amplification just now, or at least when I go back to uni and get my tasty loan and grant!

  6. Hey guys and girls.

    Thought I should say hi instead of just lurking around on the forums behind the scenes, and say a little bit about myself...

    Im 18 from just outside Glasgow, studying business at Strathclyde from September. I've been playing bass on and off for about two years, on and off as in I occasionally get loved up with my guitar and persevering with singing!

    I play in an alternative rock band called Broken Indigo (although we might be changing our name) currently recording new demo’s, the only bass I have right now (and I don’t even have it because Mark is working his magic setting it up!) is a Fender MIM Precision bass. It’s midnight wine with a rosewood fretboard and SD Quarter Pound pickups.

    My main influences are Radiohead, Placebo, NIN, Alice in Chains and RHCP. Would also like to add that I was right down the front last night at AiC and got two gorgeous plectrums from William and Jerry too!


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