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Posts posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='charic' post='980218' date='Oct 7 2010, 09:16 AM']Okie doke,
    Riddle me this :)

    Having got the first rs210 (will be getting the rh450 in the near future) I've found that it is a little wobbly on end. Now I suspect two of these would be even MORE unstable...

    How do YOU combat this? (eventually ill have 2 x 210 :lol: )

    GAS GAS GAS[/quote]

    I have a single RS210... no wobbliness detected. I often place it on an Ashdown mini ABM1x15" cab and it's solid (and loud!)

  2. [quote name='PerfectionBG' post='970647' date='Sep 28 2010, 01:43 PM'][s]When I just plug in my bass, there is no buzzing/feedback, but when I play the lower strings D/E/A there is a crazy buzz. It's driving me mad - I've changed all the knobs into different positions, sat it on foam made sure nothing was stuck in there. What's the problem?

    Is it my bass or my amp? (It's a cheap B.B Blaster Practise amp)

    If anyone wants a recording I'll post one. PM me with any news please![/s]

    Dodgey sound? Is it the bass? Is it the amp? No. It's probably the Tesco Value battery powering your EQ!

    Give it a try - if anyone on here has a similar lack of common sense as I, and didn't figure that out almost immediately...[/quote]

    ha ha ha! :)

    That reminds me of my experience at rehearsal a long time ago with my Warwick Corvette $$... I started getting this hiss, and just kept getting worse. I blamed the amplifier. I couldn't get it to work. I went to get the guy running the place... he plugged in a bass they had there and it worked just fine. He lent it to me for the rehearsal.
    Afterwards he tells me "is your bass active?", and when I say yes he adds "then check your battery, I bet your battery is low".

    I went home, and it was indeed the battery!!!

    It was my first experience with active basses running out of juice and I didn't think of it. And... I even have a passive/active switch that I didn't think of trying at the time!!!

    So don't feel too bad... it happens :lol:

  3. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='979642' date='Oct 6 2010, 05:20 PM']* Battery. As soon as I arrived back home with my new Classic, I checked the battery and I discovered that it was at around 2.5V. Needless to say the preamp was strangled by the lack of voltage. I changed the battery with a brand new Energizer Ultimate and the bass sounds, not unexpectedly, better. Clearer, with tighter bass and more musical and controlled treble.[/quote]

    congrats on your new bass! I'm not usually a big fan of sunbursts... but even I can appreciate that beauty :)

    about the battery... wow, 2.5V? Are you sure? I'm surprised t worked at all! On my Warwick Corvette $$ I get problems if it goes under 8.4V or so.

    I have a Stingray and a SUB5, both with the same battery they had when I bought them (both used, about 8 and 3 weeks ago respectively)... they sound just fine, I am going to check the voltages just out of curiosity...

    I get 8.99V on the Stingray and 9.45V on the SUB5, I guess they'll keep going for a while...

  4. [quote name='ezbass' post='979691' date='Oct 6 2010, 06:09 PM']Another great review, it just makes me want one. Apologies, what's to apologise for? If you hadn't posted that last line I would have never known that English isn't your first language, even more kudos for your recent reviews.

    My SUB is slab bodied and I have to say that I don't miss the contouring when I play it, there is obviously just something right about the classic Ray body shape. Probably why Leo did the Ray like this in the first place.[/quote]

    Same here: I got a SUB5 and I thought I would miss the contours... but I don't. And the finish... I thought it was ugly before I got it, and now I love it (matt black textured)

  5. Great condition, light use, it still has the plastic sheet protecting the pickguard...

    It plays well, sounds good... but my experiment with P-bass can be considered over as this bass has been at home doing nothing wile I play my OLPs, Stingray and Jazz all the time. I never liked the P-bass sound much... and I guess my taste hasn't changed! :)

    It's a funny colour, it's very very dark blue... it sometimes looks almost black, but under very bright light (like a flash) it looks blue/violet. I liked that, with the black pickguard and very dark rosewood fingerboard I think it looks great.
    On the picture of the body, I played with the colour/brightness to bring the hue of the blue up, but "in person" it looks darker than that.

    Strings have been on for a few months, but due to little or no use they still have a lot of life on them, being pretty bright.

    I'm asking for £65 plus delivery (about £15 with ParcelForce, I believe... I'd have to check). Or you can collect from Edinburgh.

    I've read that these are made in the same factory as SX, and I can see the similarity, but personally I do not know if this is true.

  6. [quote name='4StringFortress' post='980967' date='Oct 7 2010, 09:12 PM']Hmm very nice and a very fair price too!
    I may have to keep my eye on this one if a thread is made =P[/quote]

    You just got me in motion!

    I'll put it "officially" for sale later tonight.

    If interested, you know where I am :)

  7. [quote name='4StringFortress' post='980948' date='Oct 7 2010, 08:55 PM']That's a nice looking thing!
    What's the playability like?

    Plus how much you looking to sell it for?[/quote]

    It's nice to play, but I haven't done much to it at all (it still has the plastic sheet on the pickguard!). It's set so that it plays cleanly with normal touch, and if you pluck it hard you'll get some nice (or I think so!) fret rattle.
    I bought it because it looked nice, played well and sounded quite powerfully "P" to me... but I just don't play it, I'm drawn to the Stingray and similar ones, and ocassionally my Jazz.

    I guess I'd be happy to let it go for £65 plus postage (around £15, I think, with ParcelForce)

  8. [quote name='paul h' post='980246' date='Oct 7 2010, 09:47 AM']In that case I now have Jim Deacon gas! :)[/quote]

    Hmmm, I actually have a Jim Deacon P/J type bass in excellent condition I was thinking of selling...

    maybe I should start a thread on the "for sale" forum...

    [b]EDIT: now for sale, thread under "Jim Deacon P/J bass"[/b][/color]

  9. It's downstairs.

    We (Seabass Kid) played there last week. We got a call on Wednesday night as another band had just cancelled... and went in without promotion of any kind... not the busiest place on its own, it relies heavily on your selling your gig as most people just stay upstairs and don't seem so interested in paying £5 to see live music downstairs. We got anough people to make it look lively, but it could have been a lot better. We asked the DJ upstairs... or rather, we sent a girl to ask the DJ upstairs :) to play a track or two from a demo CD we had, to announce we'd play there that night, but he gave some lame excuse about not having a CD drive on his laptop :lol:

    It's an interesting venue... without a proper stage, the area they set for the band is... interesting. Let's just say you'll play on different levels and it involves a dual stair case, and the whole thing reminds me of old TV shows from the 60s where the bring a band and they all play on some kind of pedestal. And that day... I didn't get my wireless, so I was restricted to a 6m radius in front of my amp... :)

  10. [quote name='cris the man' post='980608' date='Oct 7 2010, 03:09 PM']hello chaps, how are we?

    looking at my jazz bass, i noticed the nets coming out again, so i intend to get that replaced, but this is becoming a regular thing?
    my cousin eric told me about people sometimes changing to a left handed neck so that they get better string tension on the E string (something im quite keen on)
    is there a way i should go about doing this?

    also looking at my pickups, ive just noticed the tops are starting to rust (OMGWTFBBQ). does this affect performance? (bare with me i'm a tad dim) and should i replace them, if so what with?

    any help at all is great
    thanks ever so much![/quote]

    nets coming out?
    does your bass smell fishy?

    for tension... try up the gauge of the strings, or even different brand/material. Ask around, some strings are noticeably more tense than others at the same tuning with the same scale.

    as for the "bare with me i'm a tad dim"... I see how that proposition may work with another type of person, but I refuse to get naked with you at least until we've been formally introduced. :)

  11. [quote name='ezbass' post='976755' date='Oct 4 2010, 09:51 AM']Yes, yes ,yes, do it, do it, do it, we can take the porn!

    Loving the SUB? No suprises here.[/quote]

    ok... here it is :)

    I just replaced the black pickguard on the Stingray with a cream one, just to be a bit different. The SUB5 is still pickguard-less, but I think it looks sexy that way :lol:

  12. [quote name='Beedster' post='977832' date='Oct 4 2010, 11:12 PM']My SUB5 want from average Ray-alike to monster Pre-EB real deal with the addition of an East Stingray pre-amp. Highly recommended


    STOP IT ALREADY! :) :)

    I have the SUB5, the original pickup on the table, the John East preamp in my drawer... and no real time to install it yet!

    This coming Saturday... no gigs, no rehearsals, no work, I told my friends I'll be in Antarctica... it'll get done! :lol:

  13. [quote name='E sharp' post='976424' date='Oct 3 2010, 09:21 PM']This is great , thanks for this . Though all that fun , I suspect you motives wern't completely alturistic :)

    God I wish I had a day spare to do something like this (wife and kids) .

    I've always wondered about the 2 and 3 band core differences .

    Has anyone modded a 2 band , with a piggy back mid (ie East dual concentric mid pot) - thus getting the best of everything ?[/quote]

    the 3-band JE preamp is pretty much that: 2 modules, a 2EQ based on the original 2EQ, plus a mid control module (that you can buy separately)
    Ok, the 2EQ section is not an exact copy (the man's own words) but it sounded close enough (I recently replaced my 2EQ with the JE 3EQ). I prefer the JE's version of the 2EQ, it seems a bit tighter on the lows but not that much more changes.

  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='976213' date='Oct 3 2010, 06:01 PM']Obviously I will have to +1 for the 9/10 for the '82 pre EB, mcnash will be worried that Im not well if I dont! :)[/quote]

    I'd have been very worried indeed!!! :lol:

    I must get around to trying some preEB... especially white ones. But not until I can justify the expense, just in case :)

  15. [quote name='ezbass' post='975742' date='Oct 3 2010, 09:45 AM']Lovely shot, now how about one with your US Ray with them?[/quote]

    that would be too much "porn" ;-)

    but maybe I should do that and add the SUB5 too :)
    I'm loving that SUB5...

  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='975257' date='Oct 2 2010, 06:17 PM']My thoughts were along those lines too when I read the title. :)

    How did it sound when you heard it this time Jose?[/quote]

    Children, behave!!! :)

    It sounded... huge! Better than I remembered it! But then this guy plays better than I did at the time... and back then I was in a strange Polish death metal type of band (don't ask). :)

    It sounded really good I thought. It was interesting to listen to my bass rig played by other people (first band a P-bass, second one the J-bass) and having enough time to realise just how huge it can sound. The bass amoplification was just my amp, it wasn't DI'd or anything, and the amp wasn't being pushed too hard at all.

    That Vintage Jazz bass always felt really nice to play but thought the pickups were slightly microphonic. I didn't ask whether he'd changed them.

    I want that bass back!!! :lol:

  17. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='975124' date='Oct 2 2010, 04:38 PM']Mine was the same, unplayable out of the box, so what they do in the US to them is anyone's guess. Took it to the Bass Gallery for a set up, still not happy with it. Played OK in the shop. Couple of days later after taking it home, its buzzing all over the place.

    So it looks like I'll have to take it elsewhere for a set-up. Really pissed off over this bass, as I wanted this to be a half decent back-up to my Traben basses.[/quote]

    different environment, maybe warmer?changes in humidity? those things will affect the set up. It's not unusual for certain instruments to need a tweak as seasons change...

  18. [quote name='Rich44' post='974391' date='Oct 1 2010, 06:02 PM']I love the peacock blue-ish colour they do. They must look great on stage, but one thing I've always wondered, does the colour not rub off onto your hands/the bridge/nut, say if you sweat?[/quote]

    I used the blue strings you mention on my Warwick Corvette $$. NO colour rubs on you. The plastic coating does flake off eventually in areas where you pluck often, but it takes a while.

  19. Not technicaly my first bass, as I had had two others, that I never played. I had been playing guitar for ages and I thought it would be good to have some cheap bass to add to my crappy recordings. So I had a terrible Lyon P-bass copy and later a Squier P/J type that I never got a long with.

    Then in 2005 a bass was placed in my hands on stage, and... I enjoyed it. So much so that soon afterwards I bought a bass with the firm intention of using it.
    I bought a Jazz bass copy by Vintage. Black with tortoiseshell pickguard. This is the bass I consider to be my real first bass.

    It was quite nice. I shielded it very well, replaced the pickguard with one made of black anodised metal, and installed a push/push switch for the parallel/series option.
    I didn't use it so much. Then in 2007 I started playing bass in bands... and in 2008 I sold it. A move I regretted, because it was a very sweet bass. I sold it via gumtree to someone in my town.

    Last night I was playing a gig locally, with two other bands. We were playing last and I ended up supplying bass amplification for all. When this guy comes to ask about the amp he was vaguely familiar, but didn't think much of it. I didn't pay attention during his soundcheck. Then... when the band played... I thought... wait a minute, I know that bass!!!
    My old bass!!!
    I must email him and tell him if he ever sells it, I want it back.

    This is it, the way it was when I sold it:

  20. I just happened to have my three OLPs lined up in my "little room of noise" and took a picture.

    I still love them.

    The middle one has just been defretted... it still needs work on the fingerboard and filling slots, but it is playable and it's a lot of fun!

  21. [quote name='budget bassist' post='975152' date='Oct 2 2010, 04:56 PM']The original SUB5 pickup is exactly the same as a stingray 5 pickup, you won't get closer to a stingray sound than that. (though the 'ray 5 did recently change from ceramic to alnico or alnico to ceramic, can't remember which way, either way it's essentially the same pickup)[/quote]

    I thought the SR5 was ceramic, then switched to alnico, whilst the SR4 was always alnico (and sterlings were ceramic).

    The original SUB5 pickup is most definitely not ceramic, so alnico.

    I was supposed to swap it today but... no time :)
    However my love for that bass is growing. Muting that low B string is becoming easier (never been a 5-string fan, but sometimes it's great to have the extra low notes AND the ability to play lower registers in two places on the neck, facilitating certain fingerings).

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