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Posts posted by Rettoglide1

  1. [quote]First of all the fact you're new here doesn't come into play on this specific subject.[/quote]
    First of all the fact that i'm new here makes no difference at all

    [quote]Second of all don't dismiss others opinions on assumption that they haven't listened to Level42.[/quote]
    Like you are dismissing my opinions you mean??????

    [quote]Thirdly if he's as good in fingerstyle as anyone on the planet means that he's not that good.[/quote]
    Please elaborate on what exactly you mean, you're statement doesnt actually make any sense.

    [quote]Fourthly, just because he's singing whilst [b]w***ing the fretboard[/b] doesn't mean anything[/quote]
    You jealous because he knows his way around the fretboard????

    [quote]I sing when cleaning my toilet but that doesn't make me a great musician[/quote].
    That's prob all youre good for.

    [quote]There are better singer/bassists out there[/quote]
    Go ahead and name them.

    [quote]He didn't do much for the musical world really, he hasn't come up with anything new and I haven't heard of him until I started coming on here.[/quote]
    You must have been living in a cave.

    [quote]You are right on one thing, none of us achieved what he did. [b]Being despised and called "fretboard w***er" by loads of people [/b]is really something that none of the lot on here has managed to achieve.[/quote]
    Just how old are you???

    [quote]Mark King is overrated, get over it and go and listen to some [b]proper funk[/b].[/quote]
    Firstly MK is a highly respected Musician.......secondly- nobody said MK was the best funk player in the world- but lead the the way and enlighten me because i want to know what [b]proper funk[/b] is....???

    You sound like a two year old who has just spat the dummy out.


    Im new here, and cant believe the agression towards Mark King..

    He's done so much for bringing bass to the fore, prob more than anyone in the last 30 years.

    And to those who just dismiss him as a machine gun slap-bassist...you need to open your minds and ears and really have a listen to Level 42...
    Mark is a top top class finger style player too!! as good as anyone on the planet!!...he plays with lots of heart and is well- brilliant at either style he chooses to play....and is a great singer too (the fact that he sings at the same time as playing such amazing basslines is incredible)...give their music and albums a real good listen and dont just dismiss him......who on here has achieved as much as Mark? nobody!!


  3. [quote name='wesfinn' post='832277' date='May 9 2010, 03:36 PM']He is better than mark king flea and jeff berlins moustache all rolled into one![/quote]

    Mark King took Grahams style and improved it 1000%....he took it to completely much higher dimensions.

  4. Im new here, and cant believe the agression towards Mark King..

    He's done so much for bringing bass to the fore, prob more than anyone in the last 30 years.

    And to those who just dismiss him as a machine gun slap-bassist...you need to open your minds and ears and really have a listen to Level 42...
    Mark is a top top class finger style player too!! as good as anyone on the planet!!...he plays with lots of heart and is well- brilliant at either style he chooses to play....and is a great singer too (the fact that he sings at the same time as playing such amazing basslines is incredible)...give their music and albums a real good listen and dont just dismiss him......who on here has achieved as much as Mark? nobody!!

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