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Posts posted by ben604

  1. That's another consideration. Something solidstate - due to the amount of cash I have. Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions. I've had an SVT-2-Pro, SVT-CL, GK RB2000 and the Hartke LH500. The only amp that blew me away was the CL, but after my experiences recently, I'm looking for something with plenty of head room!

    I was considering the Poweramp/preamp option using something like a Sansamp BDDI or Bass VT as a front end with my P and T-40, I dont need to vary my sound much...

  2. That's down in C? I'm a little wary of the Warwick cabs, especially the 611 as they seem to go really cheap on here and ebay (no offence intended!). I do like the shape of the 6x10s though.

  3. As I've mentioned on my sale thread, I'm moving my "cheap" rig on because at any sort of usable volume, it just cant handle the low C. We've got a fairly loud drummer and the guitarist plays through an Orange Rockerverb 50 combo + 2x12 cab, so it's proving difficult to cut through down the bottom end.

    My question is, what should I be looking at to handle the low C at high volume? 2 x 4x10s, 2x15, 6x10, 8x10?

    There's some Aguilar GS410s being bandied about on a thread which I've registered an interest in, at 700rms each, they should be able to handle the volume, no?

    Any advice is appreciated.


  4. Stuck my [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160324236852&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:GB:1123"]current setup[/url] on ebay. Joined a couple of bands recently and this setup doesnt like my C-tuned Peavey T-40 at the volumes required. Considering how cheap it was, it handles my standard tuned basses at silly volumes and you can get some nice sounds out of it too! If anyone has anything to trade amp wise, let me know.


  5. I say keep battling on! I've been playing about 2 years and I think I'm crap, but I've played a couple of gigs and they seemed to go ok! I dont think you'll ever see a massive change over night. I've noticed that things that were hard to play 6 months ago, I can now play. It's incrimental but it gets better/easier!

  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='430494' date='Mar 10 2009, 02:02 PM']Yeh, well I opened up one of my cabs and found that Fs = 1/(2*pi*sqrt(Cms*Mms)).

    Which certainly came as a surprise to me.[/quote]

    I actually giggled at this. You know you're a geek when mathematical equations make you laugh. :)

  7. I've had some trouble using this through my amp too. Problem is, I havent got balanced inputs on my head, so I get all sorts of clicks, pops and hiss from the interface (Focusrite Saffire 10 i/o Pro) I'm quite lucky in that my "studio" monitors are excellent and handle my bass easily at good volumes but I'd like to get it into a practice at full whack some time! Apart from the hiss though, it sounds like it does from my monitors, so it must be a problem with the EQ on your amp or the interface...

  8. That's what my initial reaction was. My mate is the current high bidder (he's absolutely useless with ebay) and bid on them without getting specs or a second opinion. I've emailed the seller on his behalf to get the bid withdrawn with no response so far...

  9. Hey guys, just a bit of advice...do these [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&item=270340644623"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270340644623[/url] look like they're real?


  10. Here's my current setup:

    For making noise:

    Hartke LH500
    Peavey 410TVX
    Loud Inc 1x15
    Event 20/20 bas powered monitors

    Got to be one of the cheapest £ per Watt rigs on here!


    For recording noise:

    HP Laptop
    Technics Hi Fi amp
    Focusrite Saffire 10 io Pro


  11. My T-40 is in KGB at the moment getting 45-85 and a 115 for the C to maintin the tension. It needs a full setup to get it down to C, the neck completely changed when we dropped to C in the shop, it was just totally unplayable.

    As mentioned above, anything by Queens, Kyuss, some Monster Magnet, some Fu Manchu, Nebula, Hermano (check them out!). All your favourite stoner groovers!

  12. I recently bought a Squier Vintage Modified Precision for a little over £200 and it's excellent. Sounds great and (after a little setting up for my preferences) nice and easy to play. It also looks great in Olympic White with the black scratch plate. Seems well made too. I'd go for a Squier, definately!

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