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Posts posted by Bullet-Rule

  1. In my eyes, 'Rock Band' and 'GH' series are games. Nothing more, nothing less. For this reason, there won't be a decline in people learning REAL instruments. In fact, I think some could be influenced by these games to pick up a bass, guitar or drum kit and play.

  2. I've just ordered mine, a red neon pro. Basically, cantdosleepy, I think the techno is just a dressed up normal one but the pro, and those above them, have the rev-counters. I think most of them are 250hz but there are some high-end metal ones and stuff lol.

  3. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='175201' date='Apr 12 2008, 02:59 PM']It's £1k on ebay!! That's not low end![/quote]
    In your original post you said the Gibson is 'closer to £500', so I don't understand. I've seen new Gibsons such as the T-birds on gak.co.uk for around £1000.
    But I'd go with the others and agree with the S-1, but I also advise the Geddy Lee.

  4. Gah, this thread adds to my GAS sooo much...

    But I only got my Spector in January and got University round the corner so there's not much point in buying another bass. Plus, I can't even find a band at the moment.

  5. I'm 18, been playing for just under 2 years and I have:


    Spector Legend 4 in Black Cherry
    Hartke SB15 (from starter pack)

    ^My Spector and Ashdown


    Bass amplifiers:

    Ashdown EB15-180W
    Hartke B150 (15W)


    Zoom B2

  6. I can't really add much to the already great points suggested, as I've only been in the studio once. Like others have said, the better you know the material the better it will come out. Also, try and make sure your technique is as clean as possible, because for me it picked EVERYTHING up, so next time I won't be as sloppy.

    Good luck, hope it all goes well!

  7. Peace Sells- Megadeth (Brilliant intro riff, really carries the song).
    The Crowing- Coheed and Cambria (Very distinctive verse bassline, but then again you'd only recognise it if you were a bit of a C&C fan).
    Take the Power Back- Rage Against the Machine (many other RATM bass riffs too!)

  8. While we're on the subject of rock/ progressive, anyone like 'Spock's Beard'? I think their bassist Dave Meros is a star act. I love that Rickenbacker (fitted-with-two-Jazz pups-too) tone of his.

    I can appreciate jazz, funk, etc. but I think my heart lies in rock, and I'm going through a Coheed and Cambria and Rage Against the Machine stage at the moment.

  9. I got my Spector Legend for £300 and it's a lovely bass, even as a first bass. I'm glad I chose that over the Rockbasses, Squiers and OLPs. So yeah, I suggest lower-end Spectors. Definetely more bang for the buck.

  10. I tried a Schecter Extreme 4 in a Sound Control the other day (no Customs or Elites in stock). I have to say, it wasn't bad, but the pickups were stock Schecter not EMGs. When I tried the Spector Legend 4 it blew the Schecter away. I would like to try a Schecter Elite though.

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