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Posts posted by untune

  1. Just out of curiosity... i've read about the differences between P and J pickups a million times, but I've never heard much said specifically about the tone of MM and sopabar style pickups. Is there a particular sound to them? I hear loads of people talking about how much they love the MM tone but I've never heard anyone actually describe it, especially in comparison to P's and J's (despite searching!)

  2. Turns out the cheapest shipping option would of cost twenty quid... for a couple of bits of plastic :)

    Cheers for the info Jim I might drop him a line though it might be a bit more costly than I can budget for! Hehe

  3. Mojo Musical Supply in the states do closed covers just like what I'm looking for for a couple of dollars each... wouldn't be too hard to fit a couple of jazz pickups in there, has anybody ordered from them before as I can't seem to find ANY international shipping info whatsoever and don't particularly want to register as a customer just to find out...

  4. Thanks for all the replies guys, Essential, that's what I have in mind... the Dual Jazz at the bottom there is the plastic cover I have in mind, the power buckers look ideal too but don't seem to come with covers!

    The Novaks are a bit on the expensive side, as for Rio Grande, any idea of a decent supplier?

  5. Does anybody know of a four string soapbar pickup that has double pole pieces for each string like a jazz/precision pickup? Preferably exposed?

    I think SD does a 5 string only one, and closed cover soapbars have single large polepieces under the cover as far as I'm aware?

    I'd really like to find a jazz humbucker, the kind that looks like a pair of jazzes stuck together but without the join... also for a mid position rather than the bridge...

  6. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1105445' date='Jan 27 2011, 07:19 PM']If Ikay's taken the jazz measurement from his '72 then the bridge pickup placement will differ from a 'regular' non-70s one. Afraid I'm not at home to check on mine but this question has been asked before on a thread here relatively recently. There is a subtle but definitely audible difference between the two alternative pickup placements.[/quote]

    Cheers, I couldn't find any other info, despite searching.

    The bridge pickup will be absent on my design, hence I was curious of the location of the mid pickup... and the P is a mid location also so I was curious about differences between the two

  7. It might be worth reading up on how the ear works, weighted curves etc... we don't hear all frequencies in a linear fashion, obviously we've evolved to be most sensitive at around 4kHz (speech), but bass frequencies need much more energy for us to perceive them as louder - so if you pump the volume up to hear more bass... the rest goes up and... yeah, you get the picture :)

    I bought a pair of Sennheisers that were great but felt thin bass wise. Plus the 'leather' stuff on the pads perished and started flaking off after a couple of years... I got a 'cheap' pair of Superlux headphones off ebay when they were half price at 15 quid (just to test them out) and was pleasantly surprised, after I while I chucked my Sennheisers in a box and haven't seen them since! Just seemed more pleasant for listening to and matched the sound of my monitors more accurately.

  8. I've always been really curious to hear what a jazz pickup sounds like when it's so close to the neck, and when its used as a humbucker with the bridge one. Someone once told me that it'd probably have scooped mids but I don't know... How does the sound of the J's on these compare to the 'thump' of the P?

  9. Hi all,

    Currently designing a body to be custom made. Going to basically be a jazz shape, but i prefer the P/humbucker sound. So it'll have a single HB pickup where the P would be. Can anybody tell me the measurements for the placement of the mid/neck pickup on a jazz and the same for a precision?

    I suppose best measurement is from 12th fret to the pickup centre? Or maybe from the bridge?


  10. When I was in college I left a huge A3 folder full of A level graphics coursework on the bus, and had gotten off the bus and got on the train to get to college before I realised I didn't have it with me... managed to get out of college, gfet back to town and check every bus of that number that came into the station. Got it back! It pulled in and was still sat where I'd left it, some 3 or 4 hours later... so fingers crossed it was clocked by someone honest!

  11. Hey everyone. I've been doodling ideas for a build and think I've settled on something I like, but it would require me getting an unfinshed jazz body, filling the bridge pickup cavity and then having it finished. I could fill it myself but I don't really have an ideal environment for painting and finishing a body. I'm curious just how much it would set me back to have something finished. I've sent enquiries to local techs but not had any word back as of yet - does anybody know roughly what it would cost? All I'm after is a simple black finish, no bursts or anything fancy...

  12. It's a shame that despite the design being standardised, the dimensions aren't! I fitted a Kent Armstrong (Korean not handmade) precision into an Ibanez last year. I'd bought the pickup and it arrived the day I needed it so I didn't have much time to sort it out. I'd also bought a pair of 'closed' P-covers just as an aesthetic thing on the assumption that it was a p bass cover - it had to fit! No such luck. The KA was too big for the covers I'd bought, yet it slotted perfectly into the stock Ibanez P-cover, which had holes for the polepieces - all lined up perfectly! Still have those covers chucked in a box somewhere, but i doubt there's any point selling them!

  13. [quote name='risingson' post='1094694' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:14 AM']Well that's something we've got in common then. Knew it was only a matter of time till someone pulled me up on my avatar![/quote]

    Fun fact: The Twoism cover art is also the wallpaper on my laptop :)

  14. [quote name='risingson' post='1094690' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:08 AM']Sounds like you're talking on my wavelength untune! Big BOC fan much? :)[/quote]

    I'd say BOC are my single biggest influence, I'm going to Edinburgh tomorrow and I'm going to wear a BOC tshirt just on the off chance that over the next few days they decide to pop into town to do some shopping :) Haha

  15. [quote name='risingson' post='1094678' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:02 AM']I appreciate this might not be everyone's cup of tea, but have a listen if you haven't heard of this guy before. I consider his work to be no less than genius.[/quote]

    and between you and me risingson, ROYGBIV always makes me long for days gone by...

  16. The originals look really tasty... shame about the shorter scale :) Do you know what the old Hofners were made of?

    The new ones can be had on Thomann for 190... there are also a few sound samples on the page


    I'm going to Edinburgh for a couple of days tomorrow and it just so happens that of the very very few shops in pretty much the whole of the UK that stock these, two of them are in Edinburgh. If my friend can be convinced, I might try to have a go on one... don't want to bore her though haha

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