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A week with Wesley


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I've now had a full week with Waynepunkdude's 5 stringer - Wesley.

I was hoping to not get on with 5 strings at all, so I could consign it to the "been there, done that, don't want to go back" file. Next on the list of preferred outcomes was to love it and decide I need to get a 5 string instead of my 4. In other words I wanted to know whether the right choice for me is four or five strings.

What I found was some things are easier on a five string. I have small hands and didn't expect to get on with the broader neck, but the tighter string spacing made playing across the E, A, D & G much easier. I also came up with some things I wouldn't have come up with on my four stringer, and loved the two octave range in one hand position. BUT, other things are easier on a four.

So for me the answer is, when funds allow, I'd like a five to go with my four. Possibly more than I'd like the P bass I've been gassing for for quite a while now.

Many thanks for the borrow of Wesley Wayne!

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I had one of the acrylic wesleys when i was back in school...i personaly hated the sound of it however had the same experience with liking the extra range...I then changed it over to E-C and much prefered it...age 16 i bought my Jazz V, which was the only bass i played for 2 years lol

Dont dismiss the P-Bass...just get a 5 Stringer :)

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[quote name='OldGit' post='514878' date='Jun 15 2009, 11:24 PM']Here you go
Squier 5 string P-shaped Jazz bass ,.. for good money.

Heh, thanks for the plug, Oldgit! Was tempted to do it myself!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, in the end a week turned into 6!

Having always had 4 string passive basses, over half of them Fender Ps, it's really openend my eyes and ears.

Do I want a five string? Yes!

Enough to part with my 'vette? Maybe.

I've got a few bits earmarked for selling, once they're gone I might have enough for a used Ibanez ATK305, but if I don't get back into the Warwick over the next few weeks that'll be up for grabs too and hopefully I'll be able to get a G&L Tribute L2500 - 5 strings, able to produce my favourite tones (P & J) and lots more besides (MM) and I can get used to active tones as well. Bonus!

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