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Micro BR help!


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Hi guys.

After a bit of research i've just bought a boss micro br.

I'll be using it mainly as a phrase trainer.(for bass)

Initially, I'm a little overwhelmed by its complexity, but I'm sure this will change as I use it more.
My main problem is setting the volume levels, no matter what I seem to do my bass volume is too quiet compared to the mp3 playback.

I've adjusted the input level and sensitivity to max,and tried playing with preamp settings (but only get distortion and i need a clean sound).
Is there any way to reduce mp3 playback levels seperately?

I play an old JayDee Supernatural Session :) which has quite a low output.

Any tips would be appreciated.......


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After hours of button pressing and lots of expletives i managed to get a level that i could hear above the mp3 playback.

Unfortunately, I'm not happy with the bass sound but if i EQ it the bass gets lost in the mix.

Next step is to buy a seperate bass preamp to boost the input signal. :)

Things are starting to get expensive.

I hear great things about this unit, so let's hope things have started off on the wrong foot and i get some better results with recording.

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what really annoys me is that you can't adjust the level of the MP3 playback without the input being adjusted as well... The input levels etc. adjust the input volume, but the only output volume adjustment I've found is the rotary pot and that adjusts everything...

what baffles me is that the manual is so cryptic and the explanations as to how to create a rhythm track are incomprehensible, yet this thing is aimed at guitarists...

I basically have a degree in rocket science, I'm also a technical author, yet I have big problems making head or tail out of setting up rhythm tracks...

I currently use mine for ad hoc recordings using the built-in mic or an external stereo mic and also for playing MP3s into my practice amp to jam along to...

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