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Astounding: Markbass Nano Mark 300


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I recently acquired a Nano Mark 300 from a fellow BC-er, but I have held off the traditional 'NAD' thread until I could try it properly, not just at home.

It's pretty tiny - about 20cm square and 5cm tall. Gain, Master Volume, and 4-band EQ is plenty for me. Everything I need and not much that I don't.

At home it sounds a bit 'rude' on its own, at least until I boost the lows and lo-mid and cut the hi-mid. Blends nicely when playing to a recording.

Real life test no.1 - recording pre-amp - with tone controls engaged but set flat, sounds exactly like the DI'd bass only louder, i.e. the preamp doesn't colour the sound.

Real life test no.2 - big band rehearsal, 73 Precision via BF Midget - just perfect, sounds exactly as a bass guitar should in that context. If only my sight reading could keep up...

Real life test no.3 - country gig, 73 Precision via BF Compact. For this I perched the Nano on top of my Demeter head, used the Demeter for 1st and 3rd sets, Nano for the 2nd, with volume and tone matched as well as I could - see pics below. I haven't gigged with so few watts (Nano produces 150W into 8ohm) for many years, but I can report that the Nano puts out enough power to fill a large hall without PA support, even allowing for a dep drummer who hits harder than our regular bod. It sounds quite big and fat. When I went back to the Demeter I noticed how much more touch sensitive and punchy it was - not surprising considering the price differential!

Anyway the Nano has been promoted to spare amp, and the previous holder of that position is going up for sale.

Edited by JapanAxe
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