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Yamaha Pacifica 612v with Seymour Duncan + Bare Knuckle pickups (£220)

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I've got a Yamaha Pacifica 612v for sale: looking for £220 - It's a great guitar, the pacifica's are often considered entry level due to popularity of low end models, though the mid to high end models however, are fantastic guitars in their own right. With players such as Mike Stern using them as their instrument of choice they must be doing something right!

It's been upgraded with a Seymour Duncan JB in the bridge. The tone control has been fitted with a coil tap - pressing the knob switches between humbucker and single coil. The middle pickup is the stock yamaha which sounds great, and the the neck pickup has been upgraded to a lovely handmade Irish Tour pickup from the excellent Bare Knuckle. Fitted with Grover tuners.

The guitar sounds very lively even when unplugged - the body has a lot of resonance, which can really be felt. I'm primarily a bass player, but this is my main guitar that I'd really rather hang on to - bank balance says otherwise at the moment!

Collection from New Cross, London.


Edited by aryustailm
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