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Help with harmony on You Don't Know What Love Is


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Hey guys,

I'm a little bit stuck with the harmony on the A section to You Don't Know What Love Is. The chords are...

F-7|Db9 C7b9| F- C7b9| Db7|
G-7b5 C7b9| F-6 Ab7| Db7 | G-7b5 C7b9|

So numerically I've got ...

i | VI7 Vb9 | i Vb9 | VI7
ii Vb9| i III7| VI7| ii Vb9|

Is that right? It's just the Db and Ab that are throwing me a bit. Any clarification would be much appreciated!

Cheers guys

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These are pretty new for me so is this right...

In the second bar the C7b9 is the V chord of F-, G7 would be the V chord of C7b9 but the tritone from G is Db7.

And in bar 6 you have to think of the Db7 as a G7, the V chord of G7 is D7 and the tritone from D is Ab7??

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Yeah man, you've got it. You're basically playing a secondary dominant of C7, so a G7 sound. But then a tritone sub for G7 is Db7. A useful scale for this tritone sub would be Db lydian dominant (mixolydian #4 aka lydian b7). Note that this is the same pitch collection as the scale G altered (or Ab melodic minor if you prefer to think of it that way). So it's kind of a G altered sound. These melodic minor modal (try saying that fast after a pint) sounds are dead useful and lovely.

That F-7 Db7 C7 turnaround substitution for F-7 G7 C7 is there in tons of classic tunes (and if not you can put them in!). A good one that springs to mind is "Work Song" by Nat Adderly - there's an killer version on the Cannonball Adderly album "Them Dirty Blues", I took down Cannon's solo on it you want me to send you a copy?

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