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Cheap programmable loopers (Harley Benton stuff)


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I´ve been searching information about various true bypass loopers and I also found few very cheap programmable loopers (actualy cheaper than most of non-programmable tb loopers). Thomann sells Harley Benton FXL8 (http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_fxl8.htm) and this looper can be found also under brands Wave-X or Vitoos. I am not very big fan of HB staff and I prefer to pay more and get quality for my money, but I was just curious if someone does not have personal experience with this loopers.

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I've bought a few HB products and have actually been impressed with the quality. They also have a 3 year warranty which is a nice bonus.

I ended up buying a Bright Onion Pedal Looper though. They're all hand made to order and you can choose exactly what you want. They can also run without a power supply (although you do need power to see the LEDs):


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HB stuff can be a bit up and down, basically most of it is licenced or overstock technology from other companies... they don't actually make anything themselves.

For example, they did a compact bass amp not too long ago that was nearly identical to the Ibanez Promethean. It was made in the same factory, by the same people. but it was missing the Ibanez specific features (like vintage modelling. There was also a Roland bass cube clone on there for a while too, minus the Roland COSM of course. But essentially it was a Bass Cube with the HB logo on it.

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