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Everything posted by Tiger50

  1. Hello, After playing electric/acoustic guitar for the past 5 years or so, I've took the plunge and got myself a bass rig! I'm quite proficient at using a pick, however I'm looking to learn how to play bass using fingers only. I've been progressing quite well as of late, but i'm having trouble with certain songs that involve alot of alternate picking and/or quick string skipping with the right hand (e.g. LedZep - Lemon Song, Rush - YYZ etc) Sometimes I can nail sections whereas other times it sounds quite messy even when I try and play it a tad slower. Can anyone recommend any more songs from their experience of playing that I could try to help me improve in these areas? Cheers T
  2. Hey everyone, After mucking around with various basses belonging to my mates at various points over the last couple of years, I decided to get my own axe and get into it a bit more seriously. Not long after christmas I picked myself up one of those build-your-own kits from the internet, put it together and whacked an EMG into it (i'm currently writing up a thing on the build for another site at the moment, i'll post it when i get round to finishing it!). As it turns out, the bass is playing much better than i expected it to, which i'm pretty pleased about! It's all good on the playing front, i'm having a blast learning some new songs but i'm still trying to get used to using fingers only after playing electric/acoustic guitar for the past 5 years! Also, I'm hoping to learn how to play some slap/pop style stuff in the near future after a friend of mine introduced me to a couple of Larry Graham vidoes on youtube. Are there any other similar artists that you guys suggest I check out? Cheers T
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