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Posts posted by callingltu

  1. [quote name='dc2009' post='1265678' date='Jun 12 2011, 03:56 AM']Ok that's cool, will check some of that out. As well as doing the dubstep stuff, the kind of synth bass I want for my own sound is really hard to describe, but I don't think my boss cuts it.
    I'm sh1t at describing the sound, but I guess you would characterise it as having a super quick response, sort of like a modernised version of the bass on those old nintendo games, (f-zero etc). Anyone got any idea of where would be heading in the right direction?[/quote]

    Try adding more effects after syb-5 and buy expression pedal if you dont have :) I get some nice tunes out of it using exp pedal and overdrive+chorus after it :)


    I know its not wobbly, but i'd say its more like pendulum styled bassline :lol:

  2. Hi,

    I'm thinking of buying rack preamp, because i'll get good power amp.
    So could anyone suggest some preamps?

    I really love ashdown sound, its sad that they dont make RPM anymore and used costs almost like abm head.

    So could you suggest me smth sounding like ashdown, ampeg, trace elliotr? And is easy to get. I prefer tube preamp. And would like it around 300$ :)


  3. [quote name='fishead' post='1163864' date='Mar 16 2011, 01:13 AM']What expression pedal are you using on the syb-5? Anyone tried the behringer Fcv100? It's cheap as chips and looks like it'll last 6 months tops but I thought it might be a cheap way to try an expression pedal with the syb-5...[/quote]

    I dont remember its some really cheap Generall music or smth like that expression. Any expression with 100k pot will do the work i guess :)

  4. [quote name='I am not excane' post='1145828' date='Mar 1 2011, 04:37 PM']Onerr!! They come from Brazil (or at least they used to)

    I thought I was the only one who had 3 of these pieces of **** sitting on my living room floor waiting to be sold. I picked them up on a huge closeout in a music store by me and I guess you get what you pay for.[/quote]

    Yeah its made in Brazil, i just couldnt remember its name :) This pedal has the worst bypass i've ever seen. When it's bypassed it lowers the volume of all chain and ads some silent high pitch noise. (thats the reason why it sits in bypass loop) And boy, it gets worse when its on :) With a lot of gain it is twice as noisy as metal zone or digitech death metal maxed out. Ou, and when you turn it off it makes funny "pooooop" sound :lol: The only reason why i use it is that i need high gain distortion with boss syb-5 and friend of mine gave this to me for free.
    Strange thing is, that it's built quality is really good.

  5. We play indie/ nu rave with some electronics. We are only bass, guitar and drums in band, and are trying to get as much as we can out of three :)
    I havent gigged with sidechain yet. Will have a big gig on friday so will be my first with it. I'll film it so could post after that.
    As for trigger. First we tried triggering just by some mic but it was catching all other sounds too. So then we made diy trigger by wiring jack to piezo element which costs less than pund :) And actually it was brilliant :lol:

  6. Sorry for bad quality pic.
    The chain is:
    behringer tuner -> boss syb-5 + exp pedal -> digitech xbw -> boss oc-3 -> boss odb-3 -> EHX russian muff -> Fuzzy cat ( wolly mammoth clone) -> boss ceb-3 -> boss lmb-3 -> diy bypass pedal which in loop has: (some noname distortion -> behringer mdx 2200, i use mdx for sidechain compression which is trigered by bass drum) -> ibanez de-7 (wasnt in my board when i made this picture) -> amp


  7. Hi,
    just a quick question, which diagram of wiring si correct,


    or this

    As i can seen they have different wiring to the switch, so which one should i use?


  8. [quote name='citymariner' post='1106237' date='Jan 28 2011, 04:18 PM'][attachment=70252:DSC_7192.JPG]

    Here is my modified BCB-60.

    --------------> aux out> Korg Pitchblack
    Line6 G50>|...........................> (Achannel) > OC2> ODB3> BF2
    -------------> Main out >LS-2 >|------------------------------------>GEB7> AMP
    .............................................> (Bchannel) > CH1> DD3

    I've added a better power supply that gives out more juice and incorporated this into a 'kettle lead' socket on the side of the board.

    The red lead is my emergency input cable if my G50 fails. I can quickly swap that into the input of the LS-2 and bang a lead into the main input on the pedal board.

    I know it is Boss heavy but it does the trick. I've had some of these pedals laying around from when I was a guitarist. A part form the G50 I haven't pad more than £30 for a pedal and got the Boss BCB-60 dead cheap too.[/quote]

    nice macbook pro

  9. [quote name='dood' post='1098303' date='Jan 22 2011, 03:50 AM'][/quote]

    Duuuude... Thats a collection of the ugliest basses i've ever seen

  10. [quote name='51m0n' post='1096121' date='Jan 20 2011, 12:41 PM']This would do the job I think....

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yamaha-DT10-Drum-Trigger-/400188926978?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Drums_Percussions_MJ&hash=item5d2d1e6c02"]Yamaha DT10 Drum Trigger[/url][/quote]

    As I understand you need drum proccesor to use this? I only have old drum machine 808 or smth like that, but as i understand that wouldnt do the job :)

  11. [url="http://www.zzounds.com/item--BEHMDX1600"]http://www.zzounds.com/item--BEHMDX1600[/url] Hm, i think this might do the job. And it has two chanels, so i could make 2 different presets, with two line seletors. Now for triggering? Would any cheap mic do it? My main worry is that the mic might catch lots of background noises, even my bass sound.

  12. Hi,

    I am thinking of buying ABM 500 head and abm 410 cab, but recently i got veary good offer for mag 410cab. Would this improve the sound or not? If i connect head to abm 410 and mag 410 cab? And will i be able to play on max sound with those two cabs? i know that mag is 350w, but still i connect two cabs will they share the wattage in half?


  13. Hey ,

    I was just wondering which pedal would reproduce that soft drive sound like in Special K

    I have russian muff, but i use it for high gain stuff and have odb-3, but i find it very useless in almost all situations, it cuts the low end, and sounds like sh*t when i turn low eq up . I got it for around 30$ and was hoping to get something like Special K sound, but it just cant do that :)

    Any suggestions guys? :)

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