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Posts posted by DefinePop

  1. boss bcb60 pedal board,
    note non original power supply.
    replaced 2 of the patch cables part from that its fine,
    using an SKB board these days, its nice.
    not looking for trades,
    if you were in glasgow/ed itd be easier but postage is acceptable,
    prefer bank transfer if poss.

  2. HeyFolks,
    I'm DP 23 from Glasgow,
    Bass player and gig promoter about town, i study music at UWS and i also play a bit of G****r
    play in a band called Zoobizaretta, its fun theres 8 of us, never had everyone in a practice yet,
    despite playing several gigs and recording an album, ha.(its out in march)
    i also manage a band called The Red Show,
    i used to be on bass talk and its nice to be back,

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