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Everything posted by Hugh

  1. Hi We are after somebody who prefers acoustic-style music. We are based in [b]Wokingham[/b],[b] BERKS[/b] and rehearse in Wokingham Electric mandolin/ electric fiddle are the lead instruments and we use a full drum kit. If you like singing, even better. We aim to play about once a month - this could be acoustic in a village hall or a paid gig in a pub. We play our own choons - we are not a covers band but we do the occasional private party (50% originals, 50% covers). We are not serious (we don't do it for the money) but we are serious (we like what we do and we want to build it up). You can get a feel for our style here: www.flavoursong.co.uk www.myspace.com/savourtheflavour. thanks! Hugh [email protected]
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