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Posts posted by the_skezz

  1. I smacked over a spare microphone stand (microphone attached) at a open mic gig last night while running around and swinging the bass a bit whilst playing 'Territorial Pissings'...fortunately, the blokes in charge didn't seem to care that I might have damaged it XD

    Pulled my lead out once...was a bit drunk at the time, so was having a hard time judging how far I could walk away from the amp...

    Oh, and I've nearly smacked my singer's head with the headstock on several occasions :)

    And yes, OP, I am a punk bassist...you take the mickey, I'll do something really violent and rebellious against you...like set Nancy Spungen on you, or release a perfume under the band name...

  2. [quote name='stevie' post='931039' date='Aug 20 2010, 03:35 PM']There are more than you think. A large number of players, who are clearly highly skilled, sound like failed classical guitarists to me. You know the ones. They think Paul McCartney can't play but sound like a bad imitation of Julian Bream with his hands tied behind his back.[/quote]

    + 1

  3. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='928064' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:45 PM']Agreed. The Tal bashing was pure stupidity. She's an amazing player, and we should all aspire to be like her.[/quote]


    [size=1]And that's definately not jealousy coming through :) [/size]

  4. A couple of things moved me more from heavy metal/rock to a more punk way of thinking. Seeing the Damned support Motorhead for starters, had a brilliant time and the band had tonnes of energy. Then listening to the stuff my dad was playing me (Ramones/Stranglers etc.) and grew to absolutely love it...the fact that players such as JJ. Burnel and Paul Simonon had better basslines than the majority of metal bassists I know didn't hurt either :)

  5. [quote name='mike257' post='903024' date='Jul 23 2010, 11:51 AM']As much as it pains me to do so.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvCoIENZYfk"]it's here[/url].

    Even at 18 I should've known better.[/quote]

    That ain't bad to be fair, it could have been far worse. Heck, my punk band can sound worse than that playing numbers we've rehearsed (the other week we were playing American Jesus, stopped during the first verse because the guitarist and drummer lost time...obviously nothing to do with me :) )

  6. One at the Hollybush in Cradley Heath on Friday, the turnout was a bit meh...it was pretty much just people we'd invited and three crazy chicks. Still, we seemed to go down alright, the bar staff liked us (they were giving us free drinks by the end of the night and invited us to play there again in future).

    We also played at the Mid-Summer Punk Bash at the Varsity last night, it was pretty much just the other bands watching us (and some bloke up front who was really going for it with every band) but we went down well again, despite fluffing up quite badly a few times in the middle of the set :) They've invited us to play there again at future punk bashes, got offered a gig for next Saturday as well but had to turn it down as the drummer can't make it. The other bands were pretty kickass as well, (especially an act called 'Punkwreck'; if anyone gets the chance to see them, take it, they did an amazing cover of 'Alternative Ulster').

    Anyways, both gigs were lots of fun, today we're recuperating before playing a support slot tomorrow night at Subside Bar in Birmingham.

  7. [attachment=50798:Poster.jpg]

    My band, The Deficits, is playing at the Mid-Summer punk bash at the Varsity (Wolverhampton) alongside several other groups. Entry is a fiver, but it should be worth it (from what we've heard of the other bands, they're pretty damn good). Feel free to come on down and give us a listen, we'll be playing original material as well as a couple of covers. It'll likely only be our third gig together, but we sound pretty tight at the moment (despite only having had one practice as a full band) and the coming month will only serve to help us improve. Any queries, check the band's facebook page ( [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Deficits/118917578136285?v=photos&ref=ts#!/pages/The-Deficits/118917578136285?ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Deficits...78136285?ref=ts[/url] ) or PM me.

    Cheers for reading, come if you can :)

    -The Skezz

  8. Would've started off on guitar, but most of my mates were picking it up and I didn't want to be accused of jumping on the bandwagon. Then another mate stated that he was planning on learning bass (two years later and he still hasn't touched it), which seemed like an interesting avenue which I hadn't considered before. The next time I went over to my dad's house, I started playing around with his old bass, he taught me to play Hawkwind's 'Master of the Universe' and offered to help pay for a bass/practise amp of my own if I really wanted to learn to play it.

    Nearly two years later and I'm still not really tempted to touch the guitar (though I sometimes fiddle about with one if it's handy) as I enjoy the bass too much. That said, I can do a bit on it, some simple power chord based stuff, a couple of Scorpions and Thin Lizzy riffs, and managed to annoy the guitarist at band practise the other week by being able to get a better sound out of it while playing 'Sunshine of Your Love' than he could (despite him not usually being egotistical about these things, he reckoned he could do better on my bass than I could on his guitar. This proved him wrong :) )

  9. In a punk band called the Deficits, facebook is here [url="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/The-Deficits/118917578136285?ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pa...78136285?ref=ts[/url]

    Only had one gig so far (though it went pretty well, especially considering we've only had one practise as a full band) and we've got a couple of others coming up in July (see the facebook for more details). No songs up yet, but we're looking to record some stuff in August when we've got more experience.

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