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Posts posted by michael-faces

  1. £490 for one day!!! Price is going back up tomorrow! Don't let this one slip through your grip!


    Unfortunately after just one month of buying this bass from trendgame, my hopelessness at playing a fretless is forcing me to sell this beautiful bass.

    As it says in the title, its a bass made in the style of a Musicman stingray with a status graphite 5 string fretless neck. The body of the bass is made from zebrawood with a mother of pearl scratch plate. The bass as a whole is fairly heavy, so shipping costs may be a wee bit high. The pickup is a Seymour Duncan bassline. The electronics are very good; they offer a wide range of tones and there's also a bass booster :).

    The overall condition of the bass is really good. There is one ding around the fifth fret on the neck (its not noticeable, I only found it today). It would come in a fairly decent but road worn softcase.

    For pics and any details i might have missed out, here's a link to trendgame's old for sale thread (hope he doesn't mind):

    Like trendgame, I'm looking for £600 ONO for this bass. For trades, I'm only really looking for a fretted Aria SB1000, but would consider any 4 string fretted bass (especially Warwicks) so just throw any offers at me xD.

    I'm based in Bedford, by the way, and travel up to Leicester on some weekends.


    £490 for one day, until the opportunity for what I want to buy passes!!!!

  2. That is such an amazing bass!! Warriors rarely come up for sale in the UK. I managed to get a Warrior Signature Soldier bass which I love for a bargain. Bump for an amazing bass!!!!

  3. This is what I do:


    I go up the neck to the 8th fret like that and then back down to 1st, the up to 7th, then back to 1, then to 6th, then to 1st ect....

    I used this loads when i was learning to use three fingers with my right hand, but it should work just as well with a pick. Don't forget to use a metronome! xD

  4. Thanks for all the comments :) .

    Ok I finally got this bass last weekend xD. I've added some pics, please tell me what you think.

    I'm really loving the sound, it suits what I play really well so I'm happy. It hasn't quite got the growl of my Warwick but the overall sound is real agressive quality with no noise. The neck is fast and easy to play because its so thin and the body is lightweight. I had to get used to the shape of the body though, I'm used to playing my Warwick Corvette where the body's extremely streamlined!

    I emailed Dran Michael of Warrior with some pics and he's gonna send me a few more details, so I'll tell you when I hear from him. He seems like a nice guy, replied within a day!

  5. You should try out Guitar Pro instead. Its a really amazing peice of software if your trying to write music, and you can also download tabs onto it from places like UltimateGuitar.com. There are tabs for all instruments, its really awesome.

  6. Billy Sheehan and John Myung are great with three fingers. I use two most of the time but when i need the speed i use three. I always use three for triplets though, makes life so much easier.

    Getting forced to use three more often though, playing bands like Dream Theater, Symphony X and stuff like that.

  7. 01. Essexbasscat
    02. Lonestar. Fender 4string Jazz Pervy TL5 Markbass2x10 (not very exciting but they're all I have!)
    03. molan - Celinder J4 Update, Zon VB4, Spector NS5XL, Epifani Ul510, Bergantio AE1x12's, who knows what else. . .
    04. Jerry_B - Westone Spectrum DX (unless I acquire something I like better before the meet).
    05. michael-faces - Probably just a Warrior Soldier bass

  8. Definately check David Ridgeway of Ridgeway Guitars. He's a specialist in neck repairs:


    Also check out some of the repairs he's done on this link:


    Look at the Epiphone Les Paul on that page, the guitar's headstock had broken off and now you can't see a scratch!

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