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Posts posted by Jacqueslemac

  1. Half way through the second set I got cramp in the index finger of my left (fretting) hand. No pain, but the finger completely folded up! I had to quickly work out how to use the middle finger and move my hand more instead!

    In between the next couple of songs I massaged the finger (!) and flexed it a lot until it started working again.

    Most odd.

  2. I don't think they've ever been discontinued, just not imported into the UK for a while.

    I believe they continued to be available in the USA, but the exchange rate scuppered them for this market.

    Any idea whether the red one with the matching headstock is going to be imported again?

    I spent ages trawling for a secondhand one, but missed the two (black ones) that came up and there have been none since. I bought my Aerodyne instead.

    Mind you, I don't really [i][/i]need[i][/i] one now...

  3. The one I had was 44mm at the nut. My Jazz is 38mm and the Mike Dirnt is, I think, 39mm. It's amazing the difference a few tiny millimetres make!

    I'm content with the collection I have at the moment. Even to the extent of unsubscribing to the "For Sale" forum!

  4. I have Fenders from Japan, Mexico and the USA and although the USA one is head and shoulders over the others, that could be down to the higher specification, as well as my own personal preferences (the neck profile, how they look, how they feel to play and what they sound like).

    As someone else has said, I don't think it's the country that is as important as the specification and quality control processes. After all, photos from Fender's USA factory show that the employees there look very similar to those employed in Mexico (not wishing to bring any racial/cultural stereotypes into the equation!).

    From my own standpoint, it's nice to know my best Jazz is a USA-made one and my Warwick is German-made, but it wasn't a deciding factor in my choice. It was about the way they felt and whether I could afford them.

    But, to play devil's advocate, reputations are often based on fact, so there may - once anyway - have been a reason.

  5. I wanted one when they came out but had to wait until last year to pick up a second hand (but "as new") one from here.

    I'll agree with a comment I once read - "Feel horrid, sound great".

    For me, the back of the neck is too sticky and I don't really get on with it. I used it for a few practices and had fun switching between the flat/roundwound setting for a few songs, but I've not gigged it.

    As with many owners (apparently), I spent time working through all the sounds before deciding which one I liked best - and then decided to buy the real thing. Unfortunately for me, I discovered my favourite sound was the Rickenbacker one. Bugger.

    At this year's local Bass Bass we did a direct comparison with a Ricky and it sounded pretty spot on. Still can't afford one, though!

    As others have said, in a gig I doubt very much many people in the crowd would notice the subtle differences between the sounds, so it comes down to which bass is the most comfortable to play.

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