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  1. Thank you. Managed to find the original receipt today. 21/12/79. 2112 day😁. I don’t hold out much hope really unless another photo or history link emerges but I live in hope.
  2. Thank you so much for that and for your prompt reply. Bassassin sounds very familiar and might post on a band forum I visit regularly. I’ll explore those possibilities and hope for the best. I’ve always regretted parting with it but I was young, stupid and skint and wanted a synthesiser after Signals was released. I just have a feeling about this bass in Aberdeen just now. There’s a tiny pin knot at the tip of the headstock which rings some kind of bell but the old memory might be playing tricks. Thanks again.
  3. Hi folks, new to the site. I’m from Glasgow. I’ve been trying to trace a Peavey T-40 (Natural) which I traded around 1983 to McCormack’s Music in Glasgow. I don’t have any useful photos of the guitar. There’s a familiar looking example for sale on Aberdeen just now on Reverb. The current owner states that it was bought by a family member less than 10 years ago. But has no more history than that. I trawled hopelessly through Google over the years but I noticed today a reference to a T-40 for sale in Aberdeen in 2017. It was posted by Acebassmusic on here but I’m not sure how to PM him / her in the faint hope they might remember the finish at least. Another member referred to the Geneva band sticker on the back??? As I say, posting in the forlorn hope I might pick up the slightest hint of a history back to mine. Fingers and everything else crossed. Thank you.
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