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Everything posted by DaveBassMan2115

  1. I bought an SVT7 Pro about 4 years ago and have had nothing but problems with it, I returned it for repair as it kept cutting out and after a month or so it was sent back to me with a reported clean bill of health. But it started cutting out again some time later and I wanted to return it but it was out of warrenty so I was stuck with it, and it now sits in a corner totally useless to me. I know of other people who have had similar problems even with the later versions of this amp which is a shame as when I first got it I was very impressed with the sound and power. You would think that one of the top names in bass amps would have thrown a lot of resources into get this amp right once they knew there were issues. It just shows that money is all they are interested in and hope people will keep buying their gear even though the quality control has been lost, I had a Fender Bassman 100 all valve bass head that was also a load of trouble and eventually that was returned for a full refund as it could not be repaired as the main board was so badly damaged by very poor soldering causing shorts across the main PC board which had damaged the power supply etc to make it totally worthless. If you cannot trust Ampeg and Fender to produce top notch gear what hope is there, big names who no longer care about quality.
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