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Everything posted by Jadegames

  1. Carrying an UB with anything else, any reasonable distance is no small feat. Although I might have mixed up the Rumble 40 & Rumble 100 weights...🤦‍♂️ Looking at the dimensions of the Micromark 801 (27cm x 27cm x 26cm) vs. Rumble 40 (42cm x 42cm x 30cm) the Markbass would be just that much easier to carry around with an UB on my back.
  2. I just completely missed your comments. I guess I had to lose my mind sooner or later... I'll look further into a Micromark 801. Maybe see if there's any second hand ones knocking about online and snap one up next payday. EDIT; Seen the Microbass 801 going for £249. Probably grab it for that price, when I get paid next.
  3. Have you ever used the Phil Jones micro-7? Or any other Phil Jones product on an UB? Based on the pages and pages of reviews I've seen, those 2 seem to be the most popular lightweight amps that are under, £350-ish.
  4. The Phil Jones amps I've seen are a bit out of my price range tbh. They look really small and compact, but I don't think I've ever noticed anyone use them play live. Also @ezbass, when you said try out the combos beforehand, does that mean bring my UB to test it? I'm trying to remember if I saw an UB in Johnny Roadhouse music the last time I went...
  5. I want to leave my older 10-inch 25W practice amp at my drummers place to make getting to his place to practice easier. This means I get to buy a new amp to practice at home but also take to do some jazz gigging. I've been playing EB for decades, but I'm fairly new to UB and am looking to play jazz primarily on my UB. I don't need my new amp to compete power-wise with screaming rock guitar anything, but I want it to be pretty reasonably portable. UB are stupidly heavy! I've been looking at either: Ashdown Studio 10, Tweed - £189 - 60W, 10-inch speaker - 8.5 kg - From Gear4Music Markbass Micromark 801 - £322 - 45W, 8-inch speaker - 5.2 kg - From thomann I remember hearing YEARS ago that a 8-inch speaker just can't sound as good as a 10-inch speaker, but I'm not sure if that still holds true today. Plus everytime I've heard someone play with a Markbass it's been loud and clear enough so wanted to check. Has anyone played with the above amps? Are they loud enough to play UB with a drummer, jazz guitar and some horn players in a jam session? Purely for the sake of portability, I am leaning towards the Micromark. UB are heavy and awkward enough to carry so the lighter/quicker/easier I can make things, the better all round, but just wanted to check. Is there a better alternative out there. Budget is about £350-£400. I've ruled out the Rumble 40 as it's just too heavy to take to gigs and I know I'll end up regretting carrying it everywhere. I don't want anything really heavier than 9 kg. Or maybe I should just get any old 25W bass amp because every jazz venue in Manchester has a PA system so it doesn't matter?
  6. For me, Cole Davis is a great resource for learning the double bass. He is clearly very technically accomplished and his YouTube videos have no filler and no terrible jokes (why does everyone on YouTube feel the need to inject "humour" in their videos??) I was browsing online and found one of his books available for free so posting here below for others to download. Also wanted to know the communities general view on Cole Davis as well. As he's very fond of saying, he has the #1 double bass page on Patreon but I can say he generally don't create a 20 min video to explain a 7 minute topic which puts him ahead in my book. https://shop.doublebasshq.com/products/cole-davis-25-easy-bebop-licks
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. My UB is in the loving care of Sam Wells to repair. Once I get it back I'll try contacting Sophie
  8. Hi, Been playing Electric bass for 20+ years but have been wanting to dive into jazz for some time now. Saw a double bass on eBay and took the plunge. I am wondering what the typical rates are for a tutor in the Manchester (M19) area if there are any recommendations anyone has for someone in my situation. I have played in motown and funk bands for years and have a fairly good knowledge of scales, chord types and relationships between them. I just want to start playing UB with good technique. Thanks,
  9. Hi all, Was searching to buy an upright bass and thankfully found this forum. I've been playing bass for 20+ years in mostly funk indie bands but want to start playing jazz (also want to learn how to better ready music!) I'm hoping in 6-ish months I'll be able to sight read any good sounding jazz standard and be in a jazz band playing in Manchester
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