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Posts posted by jonsparrow91

  1. For sale: My lovely Mexican Standard Jazz bass in black with a WDMusic Black Pickguard and a smooooooth maple neck. Set up perfectly, if I do say so myself, with a set of Rotosound 66s. Pictures!

    If more pictures are needed, you need only ask.

    Condition: Very good but still used. This is a very new bass, I bought it at the beginning of October to use on my course but I have, alas, run out of dosh. I say very good rather than "as new" because it has been used every day for a few hours, though not gigged, and has the typical pickmarks on the pickguard and a miniscule dent here and there. I can provide more detailed pictures but I assure you that it is, indeed, very good. :)

    Why I am selling? Like I said, I'm out of dosh. I sold my ESP recently to cover three months of utility bills and now all there is is getting home for Christmas and hopefully buying some presents at some point. Which leads me too...

    What I want: £350, if you don't mind. :) Ideally I would like another bass plus around £150-200 towards me as I need a functioning bass for my course (and my defretted acoustic doesn't quite cut it) but I'm happy with a a little more or a little less cash depending on the bass. No trades, I'm afraid, it would defeat the object a little.

    Thanks for reading. :)

    (P.s. postage may be possible (at buyer's expense) but I really would rather a face-to-face transaction. I'm based in Acton (W3), Ealing, West London and I'd be happy to travel by train if we can split the fair.)

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