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Posts posted by maddude16

  1. personally i wouldnt use a 150 for 2 cabs as theyd only be getting 75w each, possibly small venues but i wouldnt use it for anything bigger than that. not slating trace as they are amazing amps and im not slating whufc bass as he's a hammers fan (irons!) but truthfully if your using 2 cabs and you want to gig in reasonable sized venues i'd use at least a 250w amp. even the 300 i have can struggle at some larger places.

  2. buddy i know what its like to learn to write. I don't suffer from dyslexia (as as child they thought I did) but I used to write backwards and upside down occasionally. It is quite common for some dyslexic people but I too taught myself to write normally as teachers would say I'm lazy and gave up on me. I even had detention at school for supposedly being lazy and unwilling to work.

    So I know how it feels to be bullied and judged on your writing, all I can say is mate you won't get none from me, and even though I'm quite new on the forum I know the people I have spoke to on here won't either, hopefully nobody will take the p*ss.

    Well done for teaching yourself what you have though mate you are doing well. And its legible!

  3. i always use 2 cabs and always have the same wattage and same ohmage to save the struggling.

    of course a crossover helps with a 15 and a 2x10 i believe. The worst thing in a world is to hear a cabinet farting away....so many people have it doing that when turned up and blame their amp/cab......its not always the way; it usually is due to the rig setup.

    You can also advoid all this of course by (a bit more expensive) having 2 identical amps and having the volume on the weaker cab less than the other. I used to do this before i bought myself a crossover, and crossovers arent that expensive. You can I believe even use the ones from car amps but on this i may be wrong....I have seen somebody do this and it seemed to work to me whether it did or not is another tale.

  4. That isn't that badly priced at all buddy. Possibly due to Christmas coming up some people are holding back their money a bit? Perhaps you could be open to offers, I mean if times are tough then you got to take it rough! If its any consollation, if this was here a month back it would be mine I did nearly buy a Tour after some of the reviews I have seen and heard.

    Make yourself open to offers! If it is here new year I will take it but it'll most definately be sold by then. Good for you, bad for me!

  5. oooh i just saw the link, silly i. that dont half look like the style of the old Fleetwood basses, it even has same machine heads and fretboard. i must admit, for the price fleetwoods werent too sad in fact i think i still have one hiding somewhere!!

    if it is the same as fleetwood....it is giggable for sure but they arent amazing, above mediocre but not good.

  6. BASS JASE and others

    im near london has anybody got any free amps they'd send? im in kent and would collect if local.

    i am in a total non profit company who raises money for 2 charities for the terminally ill, i want to start getting local hospices to have amps, guitars etc. a lot of peoples dying wishes are to play the guitar!! i cant teach them that, but im sure they'd be happy on a bass :-)

    im not spamming ive posted a couple of messages already ive just seen this post. we are a registered company by the way with a number and a website etc etc.

    if anybody can help let me know! the amps would go to good use. i might actually post a fresh thread about this, thankyou people on here for giving me the thought!

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