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Wild Cayote

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Posts posted by Wild Cayote

  1. On 27/08/2022 at 12:29, msb said:

    For so many years people gave Rickenbacker grief for just turning out the same old stuff. But the last couple of years have been interesting because of the various small runs they’ve been doing. And there’s been lots of checkerboard binding.

    That was like a bass version of Harrison’s legendary twelve string. And the order window has closed. I couldn’t quite justify the price at the time , but I loved it. Short scale too.
    If they were to use a 350 body and put a short scale neck on it I’d be in trouble. 

    Just yesterday they announced a yellow 4003 with checkerboard.

    I don't know if I'll get kicked in the yarbles for commenting on a thread from 3 months ago or not, but I figured I'd test the waters. 


    You said the order window has closed so I wanted to tell you that Sweetwater is selling them right now. 

    You and a couple others mentioned that it looks like a 350, and that is what their marketing says about it, that it's a 350 combined with a stereo 4003, but shotrt scale, a 30 inch neck. I don't know if that's what the original 4005 was, but they haven't really said it's meant to be a reissue, it's j just a 90th anniversary tribute, mode 4005c. 


    Regarding the price, I would never be able to afford it myself, but if you can afford it, it sounds like it a good buy because if it's very limited production run. The way even a modern day 4003 keeps its value for resale is pretty remarkable, I bet this one would only appreciate in value. 


    I think it's awesome looking, I don't know how it plays but the body shape and checkerboard inlays are sweet. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Tech21NYC said:


    No, he does not use two outputs. Maybe once upon a time in the 1970's but now now. Yes, you would need two amps or two preamps to do the Rick-O-Sound thing. 



    Both the DI-2112 and the GED-2112 have two channels. The Drive and Deep channels. Only the Drive Channel has the Blend control that allows you to mix in your un-effected signal with the Drive (SansAmp emulation.) There is no ability to switch between them. You might be confusing this product with the dUg Pinnick DP-3X pedal. That unit allows you to switch between the two channels. 

    That probably is what I'm thinking of, I watched that video too. Well thanks for humoring me on all of this, I appreciate it 

  3. On 07/04/2022 at 01:27, stewblack said:

    What @Doddy said.

    If you love computer programming and having to buy extra stuff, if you absolutely know you can nail the precise sounds you will need and not have to tweak them on stage then go for the C4, definitely.

    If you lack patience, computer skills or the time needed to learn them, I suggest you stay away.

    I've a whole board of SA pedals and never been able to gig them.? 

    Why do you say you've never been able to gig them? I get what you are saying about the C4, but is that true for all of their pedals? 


    I have the aftershock already and I like it, I was considering both the C4 and the compression pedal they have. But what you guys  are saying makes sense, and I don't wanna be stuck with something that is a pain to use. 


    Or maybe you'd like to sell you board and I'll find out for myself. Would you be interested? I've been looking to buy some pedals, maybe they'd work out better for me. 

  4. On 13/05/2022 at 01:38, mcnach said:



    I thought the same for a minute but then... you can store 6 presets on the unit that you can recall without any additional equipment. Once a given preset is stored, and teh control knobs assigned to whatever relevant functions you want for that specific preset, you won't need a computer.


    I see the process like this (I hope I'm not wrong! :D


    - sit with a nice cup of coffe or six in front of the computer, bass on my lap, C4 plugged in.

    - spend however much time I can be bother with checking various presets online, and deciding which ones I want to store

    - store chosen presets, tweak to taste, ensure the control knobs are assigned to useful functions for each preset


    go away and play the thing: you can still tweak certain parameters at the pedal itself just like with any other pedal.


    From time to time I'd get rid off presets I don't use/need and save different ones...


    I don't plan on using any additional controlers or anything, the synth FX would only be used here and there and not very heavily used so I don't need to be able to switch between 4 presets in a single song or anything like that.


    It's what I do with my Aftershock. I stored 6 presets and I've never gone back to edit anything: I choose the preset I want to use and I tweak gain or whatever at the pedal itself. I use two different overdrive pedals for different sounds, and the Aftershock to provide whatever else I can't get from the others... sometimes it's a heavy fuzz, sometimes a gritty overdrive...


    I would prefer if the C4 had 27 physical knobs and 12 switches but it would be the size of Pluto.

    I used a EXH Microsynth a lot over the years. I loved its simplicity. It was just a shame it could not store presets. The C4 does a million more things, but the controls are hidden. We need these two to have a baby!





    I love my aftershock, I don't meet too many people that have one, it seems to be overlooked, but it  really is a great pedal. I think the only downfall, and it sounds like you've got it covered with your other pedals, but the downfall is that it's hard to go just a little bit of break up, like a subtle amount of distortion. I mean if course you can blend it, but I'm not talking about wet dry I mean just to get like the sweet spot, where digging in with the right hand will get you the perfect amount of crunchy. But I'm still experimenting with it. 

  5. On 30/10/2022 at 11:47, fretmeister said:

    if I was worried about fruit on pizza not being manly enough then I’d have to take the tomatoes off too. Good try though.


    For 50 years I haven’t liked pineapple in any form. Raw, cooked, juiced, dried, you name it. 

    Oh well if you don't like pineapple that makes sense. I just thought everyone must like em. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Tech21NYC said:

    No they cannot. The inputs A and B allow you to have two different instruments plugged into the preamp. The front input jack overrides the rear inputs. The GED-2112 has two channels but operates with a mono input. This is the way Geddy uses it.


    If you want to use two outputs you would need a second unit. 

    Well isn't it true that the Geddy DI box  pedal has a blend switch on it that blends not the dry signal with the wet signal, but the fat channel with the drive channel? As in the device has two channels and without the drive on, you can play through the fat channel, then switch the drive on and blend drive with the fat channel.... 

    Its surprising to me that the rack mount doesn't have this functionality - or does it? Like even if you can't plug into its two channels simultaneously, can you use both channels though one inputs? It seems like the ultimate way to do this would be to run both input channels at once, as even if you didn't have a Rickenbacker with dual outputs you could use a y cable and split the signal into each input. Source audio has this ability in their aftershock pedal, and maybe other pedals they make too. Which is what I think I'm gonna have to do since u can't achieve this with the Geddy pre amp

  7. 4 hours ago, Tech21NYC said:

    No they cannot. The inputs A and B allow you to have two different instruments plugged into the preamp. The front input jack overrides the rear inputs. The GED-2112 has two channels but operates with a mono input. This is the way Geddy uses it.


    If you want to use two outputs you would need a second unit. 

    Does Getty not use the dual outputs on his Rickenbacker? I would have thought that was the whole reason it had dual inputs. I though I had read something with Getty saying the essence of his signature sound was overdrive with a fat bottom end, so when I saw that his signature Sam's amp had two inputs and two channels, one fat and one with drive, I assumed that's how he achieved his sound, using his dual outputs from his Rickenbacker, as Chris Spire from Yes does. Of course they used to use two amps, which I was hoping tech 21 had streamlined into one 2 channel preamp. 


    I think the dual outputs in a Rickenbacker is a great idea, separating the two pick up, but there seems to be almost no other gear that supports that format, other than to use 2 amps and 2 cabinets, or to use A/B/Y switching. 

  8. On 05/10/2022 at 04:33, fretmeister said:


    No. It should be in the sea with anyone who likes pineapple on pizza.


    I don't know about that, have you ever tried it? I used to cook on restaurants when I was younger, and that's how I came to expand my pallet. Pineapples are just good, who doesn't like pineapples? But when you throw a pineapple on the grill, its awesome when it's cooked. And so putting it on the top of a pizza, where it's cooked in a high powered oven it makes sense, and it's mixed with mozerella, which is a more subtle but creamy cheeze, perfect to mix with any flavor. It's really good, actually. 


    I know you've probably grown up on a world where fruit on pizza isn't manly enough... I used to care about stuff like that when I was young. Getting older is liberating in many ways because you are no longer worried about what your friends think about you. You get to just do what you want, including putting pineapples on pizza. You only live once, man. 

    • Like 2
  9. I never really understood compression, other that that it was to make bass louder by squashing the peaks, so you can then make up the gain. 


    Then I saw this video, and I understood what is possible with compression. The is also looks like it has to be one of the best on the market, from what I can tell, but I still never bought it.  I can see putting this level of detail in whole recording, but most of this stuff, to me seems like would hardly be noticeable  live.. 




  10. On 14/10/2022 at 22:37, LukeFRC said:

    I tell you what I think would be interesting… a single pedal to load a single plugin into. As in I think if you are looking for multi fx there are options - but something that lets you run *that* vst you want …

    Ohmicide comes to mind. I cant believe there's no hardware version,

     It's the greatest distortion pedal ever created 

  11. Hi

    I am trying to determine whether the two inputs on the pre amp can be used simultaneously. They are said to be parallel, so that would suggest its possible, but their product description only says that they can be used to switch between basses on stage quickly. That's not quite the same. I want to run a dual output bass into both of the channels at once, which is, from what I understand, what Geddy Lee himself did at his amp rack, I thought the story was that he used to use two amplifiers but tech 21 designed this gear to consolidate. But I can't find anywhere where it says you can do that, I can't even find it in a review. 


    It's not the same as using one input, then having the pre amp split it into two channels for processing. I am think g this is what the amp actually does because it has dual outputs. 2 But I am running  my bridge pick up and my neck pickup to two different channels, or at least I'm trying to... I didn't want to have to buy two pre amps, and this Geddy Lee would be perfect because one channel is a "deep" channel (for the neck pick up) and the other channel is a drive channel (for the bridge pick up). Again, I've read that this is the secret to Geddys sound, a fat low end on the neck pick up and a distorted bridge pick up. I'm not neccessarily after Gettys sound (well, yeah I am), or at least I'm not after it cuz it's his sound, it's just the sound I want. Not that there's an NY thing wrong with Getty, it's just I usually am not a sucker for celebrity endorsements, so I say I am just looking for a generic sound that coincidentally Geddy does. Makes me not feel like such a sucker/fan boy... I hope. 


    Does anyone have this pre amp? 



  12. Hi
    I am new here, not new to bass though. I've been alive since 1979 and I've been playing bass since 1990. I played in several metal/ hard rock bands in New Orleans and San Francisco, then I took a break from playing from 2012 - 2020, I just started back end of last year. I don't play in a band as of now, I'm honestly still a little rusty and I just started playing a fretless, so there's a bit of a learning curve there. Honestly it hasn't been all that difficult getting used to a fretless, it's probably been more challenging just getting back into it after 10 or so years downtime.


    I've never been much of a gear head, I always thought my playing spoke for itself. This time around I've tried to be more conscious about tone and buying decent gear, but I don't know very much about it. So in some ways I kinda am a newbie, and that's what I'm here to do, learn about gear.

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