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Posts posted by mikebass78

  1. I bought a HighwayOne P-bass as my first 'grown up' bass a couple of years ago, being inexperienced it initially sounded great compared to the no-name bass I'd started on. However after a little time I find that there's a lack of sub-bass coming through the sound, it's impossible to get anything close to the growl I've heard from other Ps and pushing the low end just sounds wooly or flabby depending on how i've set the action/tone/eq. I don't have a problem getting a clear sound generally but the E does sound a little dead at the moment (fitting new strings today). I've ordered a set of SD quarter pounders and I expect that will help to a degree but having played other Ps I find the Highway physically lighter and lacking resonance through the body when played accoustically. Partly this may be because I play with the action 1-2mm higher at the bridge (badassII) to accomodate an enthusiastic playing style, or it might be because of the wood used?
    The bass says made in USA in-05 or'06, but I've heard that it may have actually been made in mexico and that could mean a basswood body, can anyone shed any light? I've looked into it some and I'm also considering having a mahogany body made. has anyone had similar experience?
    At the moment a new bass is out of the question, I play an all-in-one amp with a single 15" (I heard that) so a new head would mean a cab as well so that's also a no, plus I'd like to work this one out, any help or ideas would be appreciated,

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